Acid Reflux

22 1 0

Tw: anxiety, acid reflux (it's like a mini throw up, except not sick, and really acidy in stomach, and can hurt. I don't go to graphic with it though).
Why acid reflux?
Acid reflux, more specifically heart burn, can be caused by stress. Anxiety and stress can also cause more stomach acid.

The statehouse was having a party tonight. Everyone was letting up to watch the final game of March Madness. Sure some states don't care about sports, but they don't give up a chance to party.

California was not excited for the party. He didn't want to go. He had been feeling anxious all day about the elections in his state, and even more shootings. It was making him feel off. It wasn't like he couldn't not go though, it would be weird if he didn't show up. Even if none of the states truly cared about him, he still had to go for appearances. To make things seem ok.

He dressed in his usual red flannel, a black beanie, and black ripped jeans. The collar of the flannel felt to tight, making it uncomfortable to breathe. Both the beanie and his glasses pressing on his ears made them hurt. He couldn't wear contacts though because his eyes were too dry. The jeans were stiff and the waistband pressed into his stomach. It sucked. But he had to wear it. It's what he'd normally wear. If he wanted to make people think things were normal then he had to wear it. He had to.

He got onto the community floor fifteen minutes before the game was supposed to start. Most of the states were already there. People seemed to have situated themselves in their areas already. Good. Now all California has to do is find a spot, and stay there. But where? He looked around the room.

The southern states were crowded into the couch, and chairs were pulled to the area so more people could watch. Washington and Oregon were also over there. Not watching the game but looking down at prices of paper with boxes on them. From the distance he could barely make out the BINGO written on the paper. That would get loud fast.

Nevada was standing near the door to the backyard and had a notepad with him. States would occasionally walk up to him, say something, and he would write stuff down. Bets. Interesting.

A couple of states were sitting at the kitchen island. Some chatting, some doing their own thing. There were some snacks on the table, half empty pizza boxes and bowls of chips with salsa.

California headed towards the kitchen, stopping next to the chip bowl and leaning against the counter. He looked around at who was at the island.

Wisconsin was sitting at the end of the island eating a block of cheese, next to a disgusted Vermont who looked like he didn't want to be here. Next to Vermont was DC and Rhode Island, who seemed to be amused that DC was shorter then him. Greg was standing off to the side near a camera he seemed to be watching, and his boom mic was in his hands. Seems one of the camera guys quit. Shame. They never seemed to last long.

California just stayed where he was, leaning on the counter, scrolling on his phone, and occasionally eating some chips and salsa. Not much conversation besides pleasantries as people walk by for food, and occasional input on conversations.

After a while his stomach started feeling weird, but he pushed it off. It'll be fine. Over time the cheats and boos for the game got louder and louder, but it's fine. Eventually a pissed off Verginia stormed past him to grab a beer after someone scored a point, not bothering to pause so California could move, pushing him as he walked by.

The western state was pushed against a corner. It hurt. It hurt a lot. But the pain should go away. It'll be fine. It's fine.

As Verginia walked by to leave he didn't say anything, nothing to acknowledge what he did, or that the western state was even there.

California took a shaky breath, fiddling with his hoodie strings. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine it's fine it's-

Things got loud. He couldn't make out words, people, only a general loud. It's like someone turned up the volume.

He felt a weird feeling in the back of his throat. Without saying a word he got up and headed towards the bathroom, ignoring the looks he felt. When he got there he locked the door behind him and stood over the sink. He felt something come up into his mouth. He spit it out.

The western stared at the sink, pausing for a moment as his brain caught up to what happened. A small puddle of stomach acid and the chips he had just been eating was sitting there. He signed before turning on the sink to rinse it out. He scooped a little water into his hand and then in his mouth, swashing it around before spitting into the sink and rinsing it down the drain.

He leaned away, reaching for his bag. He dug around inside one of the pockets before pulling out a bottle of tums. He popped two in his mouth, tasting the artificial berry flavor before swallowing them down. It's a little late, but better late than never.

He still felt overwhelmed, and the neck of his flannel felt too tight. He unbuttoned the top button, the little extra room made it feel like he could breathe. He pulled out his phone to check the time, 7:25. Ok, not bad. It might be a little early, but no one should notice if he went back up to his room.

Slipping out of the bathroom, he glanced around to see if anyone was looking near him before heading to the stairs. The community floor was the 1st, and his room was on the fourth. People might notice if he takes the elevator, so stairs it is.

The walking was not helping his stomach, and the tums hadn't kicked in yet. The weird feeling in his throat and stomach returned and more acid came up. He expected it though, and it wasn't like there was a place to spit it out, so he held it in his mouth until he could reach a bathroom. Sometimes he would swallow it back down if it was mostly food, but this was just acid.

It took a while, but after about five minutes he made it to his floor. Cal rushed to his room, locking the door behind him. Each room was Jack and Jill style, with each state having their own bedroom and sharing a bathroom with another state. To keep privacy, the bathrooms were only accessible from the bedrooms they connected.

He opened the door to the bathroom and spit out the acid. He rinsed his mouth out again, and cleaned the sink before heading back to his room, locking the door to the bathroom.

He took off his jeans and put on sweatpants, with the tightness of the jeans not helping his stomach. He also swapped his flannel for a oversized graphic tee.

He grabbed a bottle of smart water from the mini fridge, and a blanket from his bed, before plopping himself down on his beanbag chair. Half laying, half sitting. It was relaxing. He took a deep breath before opening the bottle and taking a few gulps of water. His throat felt a little tight and it felt like he was going to choke a couple of times, but he managed.

Putting the bottle off to the side, he wrapped the blanket around himself. Things will be fine. They have to be. He just has to wait it out. Then it'll be fine.

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