(rivals ) part -1

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*(just saw this pic and damnn its good. Credit goes to the owner.)*

(let's start the story).

In the hush of dawn's embrace, where shadows whisper tales untold,
A heart encased in ice and fire, a tale of secrets yet to unfold.

The soft morning light gently woke the pretty boy in his fancy room. His face softened, showing a small, rare boxy smile that few ever saw. His bright red hair, like a fiery crown, framed his face with a sense of strength and passion.

He blinked his eyes open, feeling the warmth of the sun mix with the cool air. Looking around at the expensive things in his room, he felt a deep sadness that no amount of wealth could fill.

Before the world fully woke up, he whispered a simple poem to himself, a plea for inner peace:

"Amidst my storms, I find my way,
In the dim light, I find a ray."

His mind drifted to his neighborhood, where competition was always present. There was one neighbor he really didn't like-a constant rival both at home and at school.

"He's always a thorn in my side," the pretty boy muttered quietly. The rivalry reflected the struggles in his own life-a constant fight to prove himself.

As he got ready for the day, he thought about his family-a mix of love and resentment tangled in unspoken expectations.

"They say I'm rude," he thought bitterly. "But they never admit their own mistakes."

The belt marks from his parents harsh discipline were still fresh on his skin, but he could care less. He had many battles to face, many storms to weather, and he refused to let anyone see his weaknesses.

The pretty boy's tough attitude was a shield, something he learned to protect himself in a world that demanded perfection.

With determination in his eyes, the pretty boy-known as Taehyung, but always as Mina and Kwang's son-set out to face another day, ready to confront the challenges that awaited him.

After getting ready, Taehyung steps into the shower. The cold water wakes him up, making him shiver as it falls. on his skin. It's a sharp contrast to the warmth of his room, but it helps him feel more alert.

As he dries off and gets dressed in some  formal clothes , Taehyung's thoughts drift to breakfast. He's not hungry, as usual. Eating in the morning has never been easy for him. He skips the meal and heads straight to university, where he knows he'll have to face his difficult neighbor-the person he finds most disagreeable, even if others may not see it the same way.


"Hey Taehyung, you came!" A short boy came running to Taehyung as he reached the university, and Taehyung noticed he looked angry as he hurried toward him. He knew something was definitely wrong.

"Don't tell me they did it again?" As he asked this, the shorter male nodded his head slightly, clearly aware of Taehyung's temper.

Taehyung hurried inside the university and looked around for where his group was gathered. As they saw Taehyung, they cleared the way, showing him what their rival group had done.

"Fuck," Taehyung cursed as he saw their notes scattered around, which they had been working on for a week, with a big "faggot" written over Taehyung's locker, which was totally broken. But that wasn't the thing that got Taehyung angry. It was his precious brushes and paints, which were totally damaged and thrown into the corner of the room.

Taehyung's anger surged, his fists clenched tight as he says in his deep voice ,
"That's it , they fucking asked for it . Where the fuck are they" taehyung was angry and he just wanted to kill the certain person .

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