prologue- Terrence's "chat"

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~ prolonged pronunciation or flirting
() a character thinking
[] notes from the creator
{} describing the scene
** actions
"Character name": a character narrating
/time or period/ flashback or timeskip.

Now let's start!;

Mhm... yep... I understand..... yes... I accept... if it means getting away from that b*$ch Dianne... I understand how much leaving my universe will effect on my family's memories... as long as they're safe ill leave my powers to guard them while im here. Just... make sure papa, Evan and Mike stay safe... along with my sister... *sigh* I wish I was there for her before I passed...

Fine... ill go... so where exactly am I going? My hero academia? Alright... im ready... (hopefully I can find Sam too...)

Izuku/Terrence: well hello there, you may be confused as to what is exactly going on in this situation. Well, if it's not clear, I'm dead. Now, why am I like this? Well... let's go back in time shall we..?~

/10 years ago.../


{%#^&$ hospital, 197#, the ____ family were expecting their third child, and sitting outside the maternity room, two boys and their father were waiting patiently for the arrival...}
"Dadddddd.... im boredd!!!" Says one of the youngsters. "Be patient Mike, sometimes things like this take a while..." says the dad, trying his best to keep the roughty child still. "Mikey, please wait, im sure our new sibling will be so excited to see us!!" The older one said in a hopeful voice. "Fine. But only because you said so." This makes the older one giggle a bit, while the dad just ends up falling asleep. After what felt like hours, the boys heard a sound coming from the room. They both hop up and shake their dad awake. "Dad! Dad! They're here!!" They exclaim. "Are they now? Let's go see if we can see them-" Mike is first into the room as always, barely able to contain his excitement. He's followed by his dad and brother, who come in quietly to not disturb the baby.

"You're finally here, took you forever." The blonde ish red haired woman says. "Here brat, take your goddamn sibling. I want rest." And with that, she fell asleep. The ginger haired boy looked at his brother closely, admiring his features. "Dad... he's got your hair..." He says to his dad in awe. Mike comes over to look at his sibling. "Ew, why is he so small?" "Mike!" His dad whisper yells at him, upset at his actions. He takes a deep breath and looks at his older son.

"Would you like to name him Terrence..?" Terrence's eyes light up with joy and he nods excitedly. Looking at his brother, who had just opened his eyes, he thinks clearly before speaking. "Evan lukas afton... ya... that sounds like a good name..." his dad smiles softly at him. "Evan it is, mike, can you get the carrier? We need to get this guy to the car." Michael nods and goes out of the room. He then turns to Terrence and gives him a stern look. "Terrence, my son, can you do me a favour..?" Terry looks at him in anticipation and curiosity. "Sure dad, what is it?" Promise me, you'll protect Evan with your life, got it? I couldn't bare to see any of my children going missing or dying... so... promise me that... ok my tiger?" Terrence nods with a serious look on his face. "OK dad, I will." The door opens, and Mike comes back in with the carrier, along with a messy dirty blonded male "willam, I see the delivery went well?" He says happily "yes it did hen, but Dia being Dia she has no interest in the child, so she left him to us again.." *Henry sighs* "typical Dianne, always so two-faced, y'know if she actually took her medication maybe she'd actually be a good parent, but no, she refuses to, and well... she acts like this... anyway,-" he looks at Terrence and Michael "how are my two favourite nephews doing?" The boys say quietly but excitedly "we're doing good uncle Henry!"

/a day later/

"Evan please... I need sleep..." Terrence said to his very upset brother, who was crying his head off.

"Terrence? What are you doing up..?" William comes into the room and examines the situation. "Your mother I assume?"


"*sigh* give me evan, you can go to bed Yuki"


Terrence handed William evan and headed to the door, only to look back when at the door to check on this dad and brother, Evan had completely calmed down, and was staring at will [he's a day old y'all so he won't be smiling yet, i know bc i have experiences with babies younger than 4 months] , who was gently smiling warmly and passionately. Terrence smiled softly and left for his bedroom. Today was a long one, luckily Dianne your mother had actually decided to look after evan today so you got time to play with Michael, though after lunchtime that soon faded as you once again had to look after evan, your dad was at work, although he didn't want to be, but fredbear's isn't going to wait for anybody...
So by the time he got home you were drained. As the world slowly started to drift away, Terry slowly gave in to the exhaustion. (Tomorrow is a new day...)

End of chapter 1

Words; 900

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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