Where are you?

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The bed was uncomfortable, 

not able to adjust with itself, 

until the bedsheet came.

The bedsheet provided it with utmost comfort unlike any other,

it was messy but so was the bed. 

Together they made each other comfortable.

The bedsheet shower the bed with love,

and so did the bed.

Together they were one until,

the bedsheet started acting different,

since the prints on it began to change,

the bed felt it was no longer important for the bedsheet.

The bedsheet was less closer the bed, away all the time,

spending its time flying. 

The bed tried to make it understand, asking " Where are you?", 

But the bedsheet did not understand, 

the bedsheet did care but it did not feel real to the bed.

The bed kept trying and trying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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