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Prisha leaned back in her seat, heart thudding.

'How can it be so quiet after such a momentous thing?' Renee said.

'It's only the beginning,' Prisha said.

'It won't be quiet for long,' Scott said.

Renee picked up the control and turned on the news.

'It's not going to be that quick, Nay,' Prisha said.

'I know. Still.'

'If it even gets around.' Scott pursed his mouth. 'If anyone believes it.'

Prisha's mouth twitched as she tried not to smirk. 'I guess we'll have to rely on conspiracy theorists, huh? Who would have thought I'd ever be in need of them? Ironic.' She laughed darkly.

'We should go,' Scott said. 'As soon as possible.'

'All of us?'

'Of course. Didn't I say I want to help you?

'You'll get into trouble,' Prisha said.

'I'm already in trouble.'

'This is stupid,' Renee said.

'Ridiculous is a better word.' Scott looked at Prisha. 'You said he's not coming back.'

Prisha looked down at the table. She dug the tip of her thumbnail into the grain of the wood. He knew better than to ask any further questions.

'I know some people,' Scott said, 'who believe this sort of thing. They can help us. They will want to help you.' And the way he said it made her look up at him. 'Trust me.'

Scott looked down at his phone. 'I've had several responses. They've already posted up your pictures.' He scrolled down his screen. 'Lots of comments already. Lots of shares.'

'What are they saying?' Renee leaned over to look.

'I'd rather not know, to be honest,' Prisha sniffed.

'Good things—mostly. They already believe you.'

'Of course they do.' Renee rolled her eyes.

'We've already had a hundred shares. I'll check my other accounts as well.'

They sat together at the table while Scott became absorbed by his phone. Renee turned to watch the news. Prisha continued to dig at the grain of the wood as she gazed through the window.

Finally the young cop put his phone down. Prisha continued to stare out the window even as she felt him watching her. She knew what he was thinking. Why her? This solitary middle-aged nobody woman.

'We must go,' he said.

'Don't be so pushy,' Renee said. 'There's no need to panic. Not yet. Nothing may come of it.'

'I'm hardly panicking. And something will come of it. Those photos are too extraordinary.'

'Like you said, easily created.'

'There are certain details about them that make them very real.'

'Like what?'

'The angle of the camera. Some of the background features of the ship. The complete amateurishness of it. The way he looks at whoever is holding the camera.' He looked at Prisha. 'When those interested in you see them, they will take them seriously. Believe me. They will investigate.'

'Who cares?' Prisha said.

'I care!' Renee exclaimed.

'I care,' Scott said firmly.

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