theory 1: i have autism

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Okay, so people assume I have autism. I have ADHD but ppl assume I'm autistic. Here is why people think so.

So basically, whenever people talk to me, I can't maintain eye contact. AT ALL. And I'm usually so vague. I also prefer to be alone and other things. For example, when the teacher was talking to me about not being late, my eyes were ALL OVER THE PLACE. And I was like "okay" over and over.

Secondly, I am sensitive to about the levels of an autistic person. I usually hate bright lights as I prefer it dimmer, and that is why I usually keep my head down. And if the room is dark, I'm okay. But when the lights go back on, I seem to be the ONLY KID who has to shield their eyes. And when I find a sound to be too loud, like the tornado alarm in school, I cover my ears while no one else finds it to be too loud. 

Another thing is that I am so repetitive. I once repeated a sentence so many times that I was reminded that I had said the sentence about six times. My face was instantly red.

Yet another thing is that I am somewhat overstimulated. Literally, my senses get overloaded A LOT unless I have music or a fidget. 

Also, I actually stim. No joke. If I feel a texture that is weird, I literally jump back a little and twitch and be like "I don't like that texture..." Yes. This is literally what happens. 

At times, I do things a certain way. For example, if someone places a mat upside down on the table, I immediately run to flip it over because it just bothers me. And I even listen to music in a certain order depending on where I go. At times, I will change what I'm listening to, though.

Whenever I get excited, I flap my arms, jump up and down and make happy noises. My brothers find it weird that I do that, but it's actually normal for me. This is what I do all the time during excitement and/or happiness.

Many people say my communication is impaired. I'm not really sure though.

I prefer to be alone. It's mainly because socializing will make me anxious and I would rather be in some sort of big space by myself. My parents sometimes get mad at that because they want me to be more open, but it's hard for me to communicate with people. When I need to calm down, I can't when my parents force me to be there. I have to be in my room, and it has to be darkened. 

Sometimes, whenever someone mentions their emotions, my brain gets all jumbled up. At times I understand, sometimes I don't.

So yeah, that is basically all for now. I might make a part two.

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