
6 2 0

No pov:

Jimmy and Stubbs left the area while Sammy was looking at Terry's dead body.

I'm... I'm so sorry... I tried...

Sammy ran off in tears.

  ⭐The next day⭐

Police Officer#1:
Alright, the body of Terry Dumpton a 14 year old male hanging dead on a pylon was found.

Police officer#2:
Well we will need to tell the Mrs and Mr Dumpton this then.

The police officers went towards the door and knocked...

Mrs Dumpton answered.

Police officer#1:
Your son was found dead...

Mrs Dumpton invited the officers in, she was clearly upset by this but was cooperating with them.

Mrs Dumpton:
He wouldn't be climbing pylon's for fun!
It's all because of that gang from school he hung out with!
He was terrified by them!

Police Officer#1:
Hm... Do you know these kids names?

Mrs Dumpton:
No, he never told me anything about those kids.
They always scared him!

Police Officer#2:
Do you know anything about these kids?

Mrs Dumpton:
We use to be close but then we moved here because he didn't like the old town we were at... He use to tell us everything but ever since he met these kids he just.. Changed!
And No, i told you this, he was afraid to mention them! They were evil things! They killed hi-

Police Officer#1:
It's to early to assume that and there is no proof that someone was with him.
we found this frisbee nearby his body, so maybe he went to get HIS frisbee?

Mrs dumpton:
My Terry never had a green Frisbee...

The 2 police officers look at eachother.

   ⭐Flash back⭐

Linseys pov:

I was playing with my dolls and doll car when mummy said she was going out for awhile.

Mrs Dumpton:
Arthur, I'm going out for awhile, keep an eye on Linsey and make sure Terry comes.
Tea is in the oven for Terry.

Mr Dumpton:
Yeah, yeah sure thing.

Mrs Dumpton:
Don't talk to me like that!

Mr Dumpton:
Okay! Okay! Sorry Hunny!

Mrs Dumpton:
Love you too Athur!

Mrs Dumpton left the house.

I played with my dolls forgetting daddy is there.

Terry Entered the house and Dad noticed how late he is.

Mr Dumpton:
Hallo son!


Mr Dumpton:
Do you know where your mum is?


Mr Dumpton:
Well she went out, do you know how late is it?


Mr Dumpton:
It's twenty past six!

Terry and dad went quiet for a moment.

Mr Dumpton:
Where were you Terry?

I was walking home from school-?

Mr Dumpton:
It doesn't take 2 hours to walk home from school, Where were you actually?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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