Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 7

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Reacting To
: Speech
- Thoughts
"said by someone"

Everyone returns to react.

Horikita: How is he going to get out of this?

Sudo: Damn idiot should have called for me!

Haruka: Kiyo...pon.

Yukimura: Don't worry we'll figure out something.

Ryuen: Ha ha ha. Ishizaki!

Ishizaki came at me throwing a punch but I grabbed him grappling him off to the side. Albert realized before Ryuen and acted quickly entering the fight. in response I kneed Ishizaki in the chest knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor as I then fluidly dodged Alberts attacks.

Sudo: Holy shit. He can fight that well?

Ike: he gets more and more scary by the second.

Kei: Am I actually going to be okay?

Ayanokoji- Albert is strong. i single punch could be dangerous. Warranting a trip to the school nurse for intense bruising.

I dodged a few more attack guiding him into a vulnerable positioning of his body where I then kicked the back off his knee causing him to lose his balance blocked a punch, grabbed his face and kneed him into the face and then punched him in the same spot causing him to reel in pain.

Sudo: Amazing. i can't believe it.

Horikita: how is he this strong?

Kei: I'm safe!

Ishizaki: Ayanokoji!

Ishizaki charged at me having finally recovered.

Ayanokoji: When you're in a fight it's best not to announce your presence.

I grabbed his arm and the elbowed him in the face and then kicked Albert in the chin as they both collapsed.

Ayanokoji- 2 down. 2 to go.

Sato: Holy crap.

Sato- That's really sexy.

Shinohara: I can't believe he's that strong.

Sudo: They haven't even landed a single hit.

Ayanokoji: Ryuen. You seem to misunderstand some things.

Ryuen: Huh?

Ayanokoji: You think everything up to this point has gone to plan. And you're not wrong about that but it's all gone according to my plan.

Ryuen: Huh?

Ayanokoji: If I really didn't want to be discovered I never would have used Manabe.

Horikita: He manufactured this situation? But he would have had predict Ryuen's moves entire months in advance!

Hirata: Amazing!

Ayanokoji: In the end I wished for things to end in a bout of violence.

Ryuen: So you just let me think I was in control while in truth we were just dancing in the palm of your hand huh?

Ibuki: I don't get any of this but you're so annoying. Both you and Ayanokoji.

Ibuki charged at me with a flurry of kicks. I dodged all of them with ease and then redirected one and chopped her on the neck as she fell unconscious I caught her and laid her down gently.

Cote React To AyanokojiWhere stories live. Discover now