Vol. 6

187 8 18

Skullgals#13: Hell Hath No Fury

Poorman Apartments

After having lunch, the Player and Squigly unwind with a movie.

While Squigly was channel surfing to find something good, the Player was handling their dishes in the kitchen.

"Say, Player?" Leviathan called.

"What's up, Lev?"

"Something perplexes me... Whenever I think of Christmas, I think of your Feral friend."


"Yes, her. Why is it that you don't bring her around more often?"

"You kidding? Do you know how much chaos there would be if Samson and Nadia interacted? It'd be over for all of us if they were in the same room for long."

Hearing that was enough to distract Squigly from movie hunting. "Oh my," she said with concern.

"How so?" Leviathan asked.

The Player raised an eyebrow, heavily questioning Leviathan with silence. "Dude, have you ever been around an angry Latina?"


A few days prior, the Player and Ms. Fortune got together to spend an evening together after making plans.

After meeting up in New Meridian, they were on their way to Little Innsmouth.

"And as they were bullying Minette, I stepped in and kicked both their asses," Nadia said as she walked with the Player.

The Player chuckled at her story. "I guess I should've stuck around, but I lost my nerve the moment your head came off. I jumped out the window immediately."

"It was awesome! Those Medici goons ran like chickens without their heads."

"Heh, yeah. That does sound hilarious."

When they got to the corner, they waited for their light.

Once the light turned green, the Player took the first step into the street. "I'm surprised I haven't seen much of-"

Before she could follow his lead, Nadia noticed an oncoming car speeding toward the Player out the corner of her eye.

She grabbed the Player and pulled him back to avoid the car that ran the light.

"WATCH THE ROAD, YOU BLIND MORON!' The driver ignorantly shouted at them while blowing his horn.

Nadia immediately threw up her middle finger at the passing driver with a fierce scowl. "¡Oye! ¡PERO ERES TÚ EL QUE ESTÁ LOCO!"

When the Player realized he narrowly dodged a fatality, he let out a deep sigh of relief. "Holy shit... Thanks, Nadia. That was close."

Nadia lunged her arm forward, stretching it down the block and catching the fleeing car by grabbing onto the bumper.

"Nadia?" The Player called her name, slightly confused.

She retracted herself and was sent flying toward the car. She eventually landed on it while it was still driving, shocking the Player.

"NADIA!" The Player grabbed his head in astonished horror.

Nadia got to the hood of the car and glared into the cabin, spooking the driver and having him lose control.

"WHOA! WHAT THE HELL?!" The driver cried out.

"You didn't see us walking?!" Nadia snarled, showing her fangs. "You almost killed my friend, hijo de puta!"

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