hidden memorys

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at the academy medix lays on his berth recharging after a long day 

in his head then he sees a locked door in his mind and trys to find they key to his past memorys but then he wakes up, medix; -gasp- oh that was a dream phew.then medix and the recriuts go to the elliot manor a old manor that was owned by the elliots and full of drones and meidx was pretty scared but stayed calm ,medix ;uh guys l-look.then they see a drone staring at them but they walk away but then it grabs medix and drags him away .hotshot;MEDIX we need to get medix back guys ,wedge;yea we need to get him back before something bad happens.but medix tries to escape  but then cyn comes in,cyn;oh well well well  who do we have here a new host or enemy.then medix 

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