Space between us

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The space that you wanted between us,it has grown so big,

That even when I look for you at times,I cannot see you..

The space between us,the line drawn between us,

It has gone so deep that I cannot even hear you from the other side .

Even when my voice is added behind you,as your background music,

Even when my shadows stand behind you as light,

Even when you dance on my palm,

Even when you are all my heart want..

Still,the space between us,has pushed me so far away,

That I dare not call you mine .

That each moment I wonder,are you even mine anymore..

Even before sitting near you,to atleast check on you,

I have to touch countless beings..

So that no one would ever question you or your pious character,

Touched by another,if you belong to someone else .

But still,crossing the space between us .

Each moment,I travel to you,

To feel,you are safe,sound and happy,even if you are not mine..

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