Chapter 13

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He just kissed me like it was nothing. There was zero thought behind it, at least that's what it felt like. I pulled away from him immediately and he just stared at me with this intense look on his face. Truthfully, what was there to say right now? I, for one, was in absolute shock so of course I wasn't going to be the first one to speak. It was clear by how he was looking at me that he also wasn't going to be the first one to speak. After a while of just staring at each other, the realization of what he just did sunk in and it pissed me off.

"What the FUCK is your problem?" I scream at him, throwing my hands into the air.

"I-I don't know Rhea I'm sorry. You just said you were going to leave and I panicked."

"Panicked? So you think it was a good idea to kiss me when I was already upset at you." Raising my eyebrow at him and crossing my arms.

"Rhea, you can't go with her please. I can't do this without you and I'm desperate. You are the only person I trust with any of this and the only person I can turn to. Please don't let her take you away from me." His voice turned into a desperate whimper.

"Trust?" I laugh, "That's fucking hysterical coming from you. If you trusted me then I would have known about you being in the mafia. You lied to me big time. This isn't an oopsie I forgot to tell you we were out of milk, the mafia KILLS people Rafael. I feel like that is something one should mention to someone before dragging them into it."

"I did it for your own good, Rhea. The less you knew about my family the better. It was all for your safety. Why aren't you understanding that?" He sighed, "Let's say we are still going to dinner with my parents. You really think you'll be able to act normal around them? Act like you know nothing about them?"

For a moment I paused, "No, I don't think I'll be able to keep my cool knowing what I'm around."

"Exactly. This is why I kept the truth from you. It was to keep you safe so that when this deal was over you didn't have to be kept in the loop. Now, you have no choice. My ex knows about you and now my parents might find out about you. They don't welcome outside common people into the mafia you know? This is serious shit and this time, I don't know if I'll be able to get you out of it." He leaned back into the seat and pressed his head into it.

He was trying to protect me? Maybe it makes a little sense but that doesn't mean I'm still not pissed at him. "I understand, but my life was still put in danger either way. I'm pissed off that I got dragged into this whole world of yours. At this point, I'm kind of wishing I just stuck with a life without freedom. At least then my life would be safe." I looked away and out the window.

"We can end this now, Rhea. You'll have nothing to do with me anymore and I'll make sure that no one else finds out about you either. It would be as if this never happened."

"I need time to think."

"That's fine, let's just go back to the house for now."

Without another word he puts the car back in drive and we pull out of the side of the road. On the way back it was complete silence, the tension was extremely awkward. To be honest, I don't know what to do anymore. A life of freedom was one I've always wanted, but not like this. Not where my life was in danger everywhere I stepped. It was too much for me especially considering how sheltered I've been all my life. Rafael is used to this by now. All I'm used to is the inside of my walls and a textbook. My life never had any adventure in it or any danger so this was all a lot for me.

I had to make a decision but how could I know what the right one was? Do I just call everything off and go back to my normal life and beg Cara to be my friend again? Do I go with his ex and live with her and hope things are safer? Or do I stay with him? The choices only kept piling in my head and I felt tears start to stream down my face. I made sure to keep my head turned to the window so that Rafael wouldn't see me cry. The last thing I want is for him to show me pity right now.

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