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Fire and Ice is a poem of parallels, the dance between greed and hatred and how both could contribute to the eventual demise of our world. What's interesting, however, is that Frost asserts that greed is the greater evil of the two. 

Greed is often dispassionate to the individual, in other words, greed is a reason behind a crime, but the perpetrator and the victim may have no issues with each other on a personal level in the time period before the crime takes place. However, hatred is almost always personal in one way or another. Yes, there are instances of prejudice in which one person hates a group, including people they have not met, but where hatred is a motivator, it is usually personal. 

Frost's poem serves as a warning to the masses... desire is a dispassionate crime towards an individual, but a passionate crime concerning the material. He is sending the message that blind greed with no regard for your fellow man is the most dangerous thing, even over abject hatred. In the end, though, both would do the job just fine. 

Fire and Ice: Analysis and DiscussionWhere stories live. Discover now