4. Guns, Knifes and Gossip

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I put my stuff down in the assigned lane... I can see the really tall guy they called König on the other side of the gun range. Fuck he really is massive... The hood he is wearing makes him even more impressive. I wonder what his role is... I wonder how stealthy he could be seeing his size... But even the smallest guy was still impressive... I was not tiny but between all of them i looked pocket size. 

I put all the guns out. I am grateful for all the gun training and talk i had with Bucky and Sam... I could dismantle them in my sleep now. At first i hated guns but i got really into it while i learned... I got good... I got accurate and it was a rush... The better i got, the better i wanted to be... 

I check the guns over and i can hear more people walking in. I dont pay attention as i know who they are. They want a show... They can have it... I guess there is not much to do around here... They are mocking me... I can hear it from their whispers... Well, if you can call it that... They are not really making an effort to whisper... I start with the handgun a Sig Sauer m17 holding 17 rounds. I check it over, dismantle it and put it back together in a quick and precise manner... I load it and step forward... 

I fire... I empty the clip and lower the gun... I smile smugly as i hit my target on point... 16 headshots destroying the targets head head and one groin shot... Just for fun... I can hear the whispers... The oh damn's... But i dont look up... I ignore them... I am just going to let them watch and let my skills speak for itself. Next up is my riffle and i do the same routine... Dismantling it and putting it back together before loading it and getting in position. I fire one round of shots high... One round of shots mid center and one round low to the ground... Just to get a feel what it would be like in different positions. 

I can hear a change in chatter... The chatter is now more toned down and i know i have impressed a little bit... I struggle to keep a smug smirk off my face... After testing all my guns i switch over to the knifes. I brought one i got from Bucky... I got it for my birthday a few months ago... It is engraved and was the knife he thought me everything with... Dad had not been happy with that... Knifes where flying around scaring people when i was annoyed... I had used it more than ones to keep Sam in line. Making him bicker with Bucky about why on earth he had taught me that... 

I put the knife back in my pocket and grab the big knife they gave me here... I try to get a feel for the knife making it spin on the palm of my hand. I flip it a few times and i grin and for the first time acknowledge the group of on lookers...  I then spin around on my heel throwing my knife in the air, catching it before throwing it to the target hitting it dead center... "Nice..." I say smirking. I turn towards the group acknowledging them for the first time. "Any volunteers?" I say smirking and a few people look away others go white like a sheet. "Dont worry... I know what i am doing... I never miss..." I coo... I chuckle as no one says a word... "Pussy's" I say and walk to collect my knife... 

I walk back to my table and collect my stuff... "Show is over boys..." I say and fling the bag over my shoulder walking out leaving them all behind to gossip about me... I know it is a matter of time that the fact that Bucky had trained me makes the rounds. They probably already had fun with the fact that i used to be with Steve and that he left me... I dont care anymore. I know it will follow me my whole life. 

I walk to my room and close the door behind me before i drop my stuff on the table. I sigh and sit on the bed... I lay down and stare at the ceiling. There is a knock on the door and i groan... I get up and walk to the door opening it... "Lieutenant..." I say as Ghost stands in front of my door... "You forgot this..." He says and hands me a clip... I hesitate for a second looking at him as i am pretty sure i forgot nothing... "Thanks..." I say taking it and we stare at each other for a second... "That was..." He starts to say, but swallows his words as a soldier passes by...

"Dont forget... Training at 6 tomorrow... Dinner is in an hour... Dont be late, or you will go hungry..." He says and i nod... "Never been late a day in my life..." I say back before closing the door and walk to the table. I check my stuff and find my own clip... I look at the clip Ghost gave me in disbelieve... "What the..." I mumble and sigh... I put the clip in my bag... I lay back down on the bed... It is not mine... Why is he giving it to me... It is not mine... I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose... 

I check the time and sigh... Dinner is in an hour or so... I dont look forward to it. Not because of the food but of the whole high school lunch hall dynamic... I lay there my mind racing... Did he give me the thing just to have a reason to stop by... What was he going to say... Why did he need an excuse to talk to me... Because that is what it comes across as. 

All of a sudden there is another knock on the door and when i open it Price is standing there with a big grin on his face... "Chow time..." He says and i smirk... I close the door behind me and follow him... "You made quite the impression at the gun range today..." He says and i chuckle... "Good... That was the plan..." I say and Price chuckles to... We walk into the mess hall and get our food. I follow him towards the table where the rest of the team is sitting. I look around and chuckle. If this had been high school the team's table was the jocks table... To my surprise they saved me a seat... I guess i impressed enough for now... Now i just had to show them i could handle hand to hand combat... But i was not worried... Not worried at all...

Ghost of my past, Ghost of my future. (I am not the girl you left anymore.)Where stories live. Discover now