PROJECT? Kurama/shuichi x reader

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It was loud on the classroom and you were on your classroom sitting near the window without anyone to talk when your teacher finally arrived to the classroom to announce that there will be an project and you all need to find partner then all of your classmates started picking their own partner while you choose to stay quiet, knowing that there's no way someone will choose you as their partners when suddenly, shuichi came to your desk "Hello there Y/N, I hope I didn't bother you but.. will you be my partner for the project?" He asked, despite all the girls trying to convince them be his partner instead

And when you agreed, shuichi smiled while your other classmates where glaring at you, obviously jealous.

     ~TIME SKIP~

The class was finally over and you already packed up your stuff, when you're about to leave the classroom, shuichi tapped you on the shoulder, asking you to let him walk with you from school. And because you two needs to do the project to submit it tomorrow, you accepted his offer and you two walked together to your house

As you two arrived, he opened the door for you first before sitting on your bed, He looked around your room as you and him started doing the project, it was hard at first but he helped you with the things you don't understand

When you and shuichi are done, you spoke "Shuichi, it's getting dark you must go home now." You said, he looked like he doesn't want to leave but picked up his bag and left anyway "Stay safe!" You said happily, happy that you got the genius guy as your partner for the SCHOOL PROJECT.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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