3. "hes gone."

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It's been like 12 hours since we 1st got stuck in this prison. The boys had set up a fire for light and warmth. "How are y'all even here?" Cydney asks the boys, "We don't remember how we got here but we guess we've been here for about 11 hours at best..." Ray answered. The boys looked like they were always on the lookout, like something or someone is after them or, after all of us. "Yall do know what the back rooms are right?" Tylar asks, most of them said no but I say "Yeah I do. I've heard a lot about it but I think it's fake." "okay well let me explain what it is 1st," He says then looks around "Okay so there's a theory that the Backrooms is the result of an elaborate lucid dream and that those who experience it are in a coma and have the same never-ending nightmare, with all the levels, the entities, the other wanderers, a figment of one's imagination. Few believe this theory though." "Okay, but what does that have to do with anything??" Ray asks "Well the backrooms is like a never-ending loop of the same room with different 'levels' so the higher the level the worse the 'monster''' I explain but the others seem to still be confused but Jaclyn then says "Like how the circus tent from outside was small but we've been traveling in a straight line for over 12 hours and the 'monster' part is like how we 1st saw lion but he wasn't scary then after we traveled a long way there was the clown..." "So, if that's true then that means..." Ray started to say "There's way worse things out there..." I say quietly. Everyone goes quiet, I'm sure they were all thinking of how they were going to get out or how they were going to defeat the monsters. Because I know that's what I was thinking... After a while no one seemed to talk, everyone was tired and hungry. I wanna go home.

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