4. The Escape

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The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the small village. Athelyna leaned against a towering, flourishing tree near the edge of their tranquil paradise.

Her eyes shut tight, she savored the gentle breeze tousling her hair, while the flowers scattered at her feet filled her nostrils with the sweet scents of summer.

She was supposed to gather them for her mother, along with other herbs, but she couldn't resist the call of tranquility and change.

There, amid the order and routine, lay a hint of freedom.

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

At the grating sound of the voice, Athelyna fought the urge to sigh. This girl was nothing but trouble and harsh words.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and forced a smile at the figure before her. "How are you today, Isolde?"

Isolde didn't take kindly to her sarcastic tone. To make matters worse, their faces bore a striking resemblance, though Isolde's eyes gleamed a dark brown and her lips were thinner and pinker.

Her hair, just as long, was styled differently, her bangs neat and straight compared to Athelyna's wild locks. They looked alike yet couldn't be more different.

"As you well know, some of us are working tirelessly to protect and heal our people."

"I am helping," Athelyna retorted, her tone defensive. She had completed her task, played her part in the grand scheme of things. Isolde had no right to discipline her like this.

Perhaps she had taken a brief break, but that didn't mean she lacked concern for others. It was just that the people she lived with were driving her mad.

"Oh, my apologies. Your 'helping' wasn't evident as you lay there sleeping while the rest of us toiled away."

Athelyna fought the urge to roll her eyes as she slowly rose to her feet, her getas stirring up dirt as she moved. Engaging in a verbal spat with Isolde seemed futile; it would likely never end.

Isolde was mean-spirited, stubborn, and staunchly adhered to rules - the polar opposite of Athelyna. Many believed that with her great powers, once she reached twenty summers, she would become the wife of the village leader - a man much older, akin to Athelyna's mother's age.

Coincidentally, Isolde's most vehement dislike was reserved for Athelyna.

Even in their youth, Isolde harbored a dislike for her. From the moment they met, Isolde glared at her without reason. There seemed to be no escape from this cycle of animosity, regardless of Athelyna's efforts to mend the situation.

Eventually, Athelyna resigned herself to simply going along with it.

Moreover, her silence seemed to further enrage Isolde. Isolde sought confrontation and a scapegoat, and if Athelyna refused to engage in her petty games, Isolde had nothing to pin on her.

This, in itself, brought Athelyna a measure of satisfaction without provoking further conflict.

"I see your behavior will never change."

"I see your attitude will never become any friendlier."

"I do not feel the need to be kind to those who prioritize themselves over their own people. You constantly wander off, neglecting your duties and everyone else. This is unacceptable. If you cannot fulfill your responsibilities as a healer, another task will be assigned to you."

"I am perfectly capable of being a healer, thank you."

True, she was somewhat inexperienced, if one were to use that term, but she tried her best and offered aid whenever possible. Sure, she made mistakes at times, but who didn't? Oh, right, Isolde didn't. Isolde was perfect, everything Athelyna was not.

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