i. the rogue's corruption

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we're coming home now

❝we're coming home now❞

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Lady Natari of House Hightower had lived in the Red Keep ever since her father became Hand of the King to King Jaehaerys, first of his name, shortly after the death of his son, Prince Baelon, as Otto Hightower had moved his family with him into the Keep, his wife, Shireen of House Manderly, and their four children: Emersen, Natari, Gwayne and Alicent, even expecting another child soon. Natari had become a lady to Lady Aemma, the wife of Prince Baelon's eldest son, Viserys, who had one daughter, of Alicent's age, named Rhaenyra and another waiting to meet the world.

Natari, who had not much experience in life, had asked if she could become a nursemaid for the Princess Rhaenyra, because after all of her wildness, she longed to have a family of her own with a husband who loved her, and Lady Aemma had smiled and agreed, appointing the task to Natari, which came easy when Alicent became close friends with the young Princess, something Natari was convinced had not been coincidence by the judgement of her father's character.

"Do you think I'd have a sister?" Rhaenyra asked, five name days old, and speaking proper sentences as was expected of her. Her grandsire, Prince Baelon had recently passed away, and the whole of the Crown, and anyone who had a sliver of a chance for the Crown, had been asked to gather at Harrenhal where a Great Council would meet to decide the Heir of King Jaehaerys as his last son had passes on. King Jaehaerys could either choose the eldest child of his first male Heir, or the eldest child of his second Heir. Not wanting to start a war amongst dragons he choose to let others choose for him.

His wife, the Good Queen Alysanne, would have his head if she had heard, but she had passed within the week of Baelon's passing, grief the Maesters had told the King as she had flown a final time to Dragonstone where Silverwing would light her funeral pyre.

"I do not know, Princess" Natari answered as she took the Princess small hand before sitting on the front row, besides the Rogue Prince whose City Watch men had gathered as well. Prince Daemon, as the second son had less input and say in whether he should be the Heir, as that was not the way it was done, but Daemon being a man he is, had given his name for consideration anyways, but the Lords knew, a second son would not come first when his brother had still been alive.

Princess Rhaenys, who had been older than Prince Viserys, and the only child of the first Heir and first son of King Jaehaerys, had submitted her own name as well, with the notion she had heirs to give. A son and a daughter had been born to her and her husband, Lord Corlys of House Velaryon, but none of the Lords of the Realm wished to fuel the Lord of the Tides' own ego by making his wife the Queen, and besides, the Lords had seen her, she had been a woman and the men of the Realm had been petty, tiny men who thought themselves better than others.

"Do you think Princess Rhaenys would be Queen?" Rhaenyra asked as she looked to Natari as Alicent sat next to the Princess with her own mother. "She cannot be, she is a woman" Alicent said as she looked to the Princess, the words of her father had been spoken to the young Princess. "I think as long as it's a member of House Targaryen, anyone could take the Crown and become King or Queen" Natari said as she looked to the Princess as Daemon smirked beside her. "There have been no Queens yet" Daemon pointed out. "Queen Rhaenys and Queen Visenya have ruled besides the Conqueror, and aided him in the Conquest, did they not?" Natari asked Daemon who looked to her, a ghost of a smirk on his face. He had disliked Otto, but by the Gods did his daughter burn something within him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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