My Catalyst

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Nightmare Sans P.O.V.

 I SIGHED IN ANNOYANCE. I reread my books over and over again, there wasn't much to do nowadays. My life was the same thing day in and day out. After The Incident, when things settled, my 'life' became boring, only spreading out seemed to entertain me, watching a world fall to darkness satisfied a primal part of me.

 But after, nothing, simply waiting for a new world to grow up enough to corrupt, and occasionally, Dream would pop up with his rag-tag team of goody-two-shoes to entertain me. Then those other fools gathered around me, like some kind of gang, one that was in the palm of my hand. Then they wanted to fight, so I let them dance around each other like fools. I stay back letting them sort each other out while I look for worlds to conquer.

 At some point, they wondered why I was doing this, and each of them came up with their own ideas. That was honestly fine by me, I am no fool, I am well aware of the value of allies, though equally aware they are all liable to betray me. I've been hurt before, but I'm not foolish to the point of shutting down completely. I'm cautious. Still, willing to give the others the benefit of the doubt.

I teleported over to The Room, a special place where I could analyze worlds. Kill, Consume, Multiply, Concour, My 'teams' moto, but thinking about it, it made sense. We would kill those who got in our way and consume worlds with light, plunging them into darkness. multiply our numbers with a Catalyst, someone I choose to initiate the corrupting of their world, then concur. Everyone became a slave to us or their planet would simply be annihilated. I passed two of my teammates, heading to the newest of worlds I will corrupt.

Looking into it, nothing has changed yet, everyone working, and playing, as if nothing is wrong. I can't wait til the putrid smell of loving others and the power of friendship is annihilated. A burst of negativity caught my attention, a strange tang filled my mouth, and something big was about to happen.

I lied, It was just a weakling getting beat. A woman kicked a teenage girl.

"Please, Mother! Stop! Ah!" She screamed as the woman kicked her face.

"This is all your fault," She lifted a wooden paddle and slammed it into the girl's ribs. "If only you were a boy, HELL YOU WOULDN'T BE SO USELESS IF YOU WEREN'T BLIND!" She hit her again, the girl trying her best to cover her body from the beating.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…" She kept mumbling over and over again. How pathetic …and how lovely she looked, like the petals of a summer flower... being mercilessly stomped on.

I had a meticulously crafted plan brewing in my mind, envisioning the precise actions I intended to take with her. Yet, I exercised patience, biding my time before executing my next move. As I continued to observe her, every detail solidified my conviction that she was the epitome of perfection. Each passing moment only reinforced my determination to wait for the opportune moment to strike.

"If you're really sorry, you won't be such a burden on me and your father. How the hell are we supposed to get alcohol now!?"

"But, Mother, we needed food-" The woman hit her with the wood again, grabbing a fistful of her hair, and hitting her repeatedly.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME! YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER TOUCHED MINE AND YOUR FATHERS MONEY!! Stay out here and think about what you've done." The woman left, and as the blind girl used a tree to sit up, she coughed up blood as she held her ribs crying.

Was she actually that old to survive in the forest at night? Humans seemed quite...young and unthreatening until about their 20s...but still, it was so easy to scare and overpower.

I paused for a long, contemplative moment, pondering her ability to survive alone in the forest at night. Humans, particularly at her age, seemed vulnerable and inexperienced. Yet, there was a flicker of doubt in my mind—was she truly capable of navigating the dangers lurking in the darkness?

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