Episode 5: One Last Goodbye

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Episode 5:

Base on season 4 episode 9.

So for those that don't know. In my story, Jesse has a daughter and he had her when he was 18. Her mother was Jesse high school crush Erika Eleniak. She abandoned the two of them and went to chase her dreams to be a model in Paris, leaving the two to fend for themselves.

Jesse was strumming his guitar when Joey  came into the room and Joey started mocking his playing. Jesse looked at him funny and Jesse said.

Jesse: get down, Joseph!
Joey: I am down. I can't get up.

Jesse helps Joey up.
Joey: thanks, Jesse. Hey, aren't you gonna be late for your high school reunion?
Jesse: yeah, I'm just going over some old tunes. Getting back together with my old high school band tonight
Joey: wow! 10-year high school reunion. You're sure getting up there aren't you, grandpa?
Jesse: Joesph, in life what's important is not your age, but how much hair you have left. Life is good!

Just as Jesse and Joey were about to leave the phone rings and it took the voice mail.

???: Muskrat, Muskrat. Candlelight, doing the town and doing it right. Let's do it right... Tonight. We've got 10 years to make up for, Jesse. I'll see you later. Mm.

Jesse: *stops* that's Jessica's mother singing our old song. I don't believe it.
Joey: me neither. Your song was muskrat love?
Jesse: it was playing the first time we kissed.
Joey: where were you? In an elevator?
Jesse: don't be dumb. It was a dentist's office. Joesph, you should've seen her. She had the most incredible hypnotic eyes, the face of an angel, the most amazing body...
Joey: Remember Becky?
Jesse: she was ok, then she abandon us and left to fend for Jessica ourselves
Joey: speaking of Jessica what are you telling her about her mom coming
Jesse: nothing
Joey: come on Jesse, you have to tell Jessica
Jesse: why should I allowed this woman to see Jessica when she abandon us 10 years ago
Joey: because she's her birth mother and she has the rights to know her. Come on Jesse.

Jesse: yeah but she was my first great love, you know? Me and her had all these dream, we dreamt of getting married, having kids, graduating
Joey: hey look at that, you already have the perfect kid together
Jesse: yeah but we haven't seen her in 10 years. She abandoned this family so she can chase her dreams and I'm going to have to see her tonight
Joey: Jess, what happens if all those old feelings come back? You're engaged.
Jesse: oh, my god. I'm not going
Joey: oh, come on, Jess. You've gotta go to your high school reunion. You just bring somebody along that can, you know, distract her. Somebody intelligent, sexy, extremely attractive...
Jesse: you're right, Joey. Becky!
Becky: In here, Jess!

Jesse walks into the girls room to find DJ, Kimmy, Jessica and her friend Annie.

Jesse: listen, remember I said that you didn't have to come to my reunion, because you'd be bored to death?
Becky: yes. I can't thank you enough.
Jesse: you're welcome, and you're coming.
Jessica: daddy! Rebecca's taking me and Annie down to the station. We get to eyewitness, eyewitness news
Jesse: but this is my 10-year reunion, I wanna show off my fiancée
Annie: 10- year reunion? Boy, you are ancient. That means you started high school before I was even born
Jesse: that's why we call them the good old days
Jessica: well this research for my debate class and I have an assignment and if I don't come through for me, I'm gonna have to give myself a stern lecture in front of the whole class. And it's really hard to do "this" your yourself. You do want me to pass the 5th grade don't you
Annie: wait 10 years? That makes Jessica 10 years old
Jessica: good job Annie, you know how to do math! *to Becky* My dad was 18 when he had me
Annie: isn't that where you also met Jessica's mother
Jesse: you're right, you got somewhere to be
Jessica: wait, wait, wait. Dad! It's your 10 year high school reunion and it's where you met mom. Is she coming?
Jesse: i don't know, but if she doesn't, you will be the first to know
Jessica: okay, we better go.
Annie: What time does the 6:00 news start?
Jessica: please tell me you're kidding
Rebecca. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I promise the girls. Have a great time at your reunion
Jesse: okay, I just wanna give you a goodbye kiss. *kiss her* just one more, just...
Rebecca: just one more, just... *kiss again*
Jesse: thanks for being so good with Jessica
Rebecca: hey, she's going to be my kid too so it's good we start off with a good relationship
Jesse: you bet

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