Chapter 1

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This is going to be a bit of a slow updating story. Depending on how many people read. If not many see this, then I will have slow updates. Anyways, enjoy

Blood, pentagrams, knifes cutting the innocent, so much chaos. How did I get to this point? Who are they? A group of cloaked people who I thought were my friends were about to sacrifice me for a sick and twisted ritual. I am trapped in the arms of the man I thought I loved. The man that was there for me since I knew how to read. And now here I am, a rabbit caught in the headlights. Scared of the spotlight. I felt hands pulling me to the center of the pentagram. They laid me on a table that looked like one out of a horror movie of a psycho dentist.

They took out their knives, ignoring my pleads of mercy. Ignoring my begging last words. Then everything just stopped. I was alone in a dark void. Floating into the abyss. This is the end. But, it wasn't. My soul got sucked back to the living world. I was reborn. They gave me a second chance of life. Oh God, I am forever in your debt. Thank you for this blessing of a lifetime. Thank you for being there for me in my times of trouble. . .

18 years later. . .

*beep beep beep beep*
Rose: "Ughhhhhhhh shut the fuck up!!"
"Take that you shitty alarm!! Hah!!" 
Rose's Mom: "Rose, honey, who are you yelling at?"
Rose: "Uhh, nobody Mom, just my alarm clock. Hehe".
Rose's Mom: "Okaaaay, just show it a little more mercy towards it tomorrow. Ok?"
Rose: "ughhh fine. But I can't promise that it will remain untouched"
Rose's Mom: "Well no shit!"
Rose: "haha, what's for breakfast?"
Rose's Mom: "Just some waffles and eggs"
Rose: "but Mom, you know I really don't like eggs"
Rose's Mom: "Yes I know, but they are good for you. So eat it or starve. Your choice"
Rose: "Fiiiiine"

Rose quickly got dressed and rushed towards the kitchen. They live in a small house with just one floor and a basement. Her father passed away 2 years ago due to a heart attack from lots of family stress. So it was just her and her mother, Laura, facing the world alone together. Lots of shit has been going on in her life ever since 8th grade. Everything went downhill since that grade. Before that, she was decent. She had no friends but she loved to be alone and just relax. Talking to people was too overwhelming sometimes. She had several trust issues, but never remembered having a reason to hate people so much. But sometimes she gets nightmares of a weird cult sacrificing her.

She just remembers the images of a pentagram and blood. It is weird. She has no idea why she has those nightmares when she never saw anything or heard anything related to cults. But it is happening even today. Then towards the end of 8th grade, she had her first boyfriend. He was an extroverted person and a little popular. He was just your ordinary 8th grade skinny white boy. She thought she loved him, but he could care less about her. He barely showed her any affection and gave her such cold responses. She thought that was how love was. But she was wrong. She broke up with him after a year and a half of suffering with such a one sided relationship. And he kept on haunting her throughout her Sophmore year.

She lost her few closest friends that she thought truly cared about her, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. The instead became friends with her ex and he became the most popular boy in school. Lots of her friends turned on her and befriended him. She was alone again. Except, she forgot how to be comfortable with herself. She hated herself. She would make cuts to see if she can even still feel pain anymore. She became comfortably numb. Then, she realized that friendship is worthless. You really can't trust anybody. So she became comfortable in silence and learned how to live in the shadows. But her parents were always there for her. Especially her dad. He was the world to her. He didn't work since he had a work accident that caused him to be handicapped and unemployed. Her mother was a nurse. So her mother was absent most of her childhood. Her father was the one who raised her.

God's Favorite (Lucifer x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora