Chapter 16 - A Gathering of Alphas

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Lucas sat on the couch in Sonia's little apartment and watched the news. She'd made popcorn, like it was a movie, but Lucas was too nervous to eat. Joseph was more than happy to help Sonia snack on it, though, so at least it didn't go to waste.

"This is the most pack leaders in one place since the supernatural conflict nearly thirty years ago-" A young, serious-faced reporter stood outside the steps of the Chicago pack building, speaking into the camera. It was live footage. Lucas knew if he looked out the window, he'd see it all unfolding below him in real time, but having the screen between himself and reality made it somehow easier to bear. "Alphas from all over America, and even some from Canada, have been reported to be traveling to Chicago. When we attempt to get a comment from Alpha Gabriel, he declines. The SIA agency is also declining to comment on their involvement in potentially keeping the peace-"

Sonia flipped the channel. Crews of reporters were camped outside the Wizard Council chambers, but none of the wizards had come out to make a statement. She flipped back over to the coverage of the pack house.

A sleek limousine pulled up, and the reporters were ushered backwards by Micheal and his security team. Lucas noticed they were careful not to directly touch anyone. They'd been spooked by the close call with the contagious spell, and they weren't taking any chances. The limousine door opened, and a wolf crawled out. Lucas hadn't seen a shifter in animal form since his mother tried to teach him how to do it as an adolescent. The sight struck him as if for the first time, though, and he wondered if it was due to being more in tune with his instincts.

The wolf was huge. Grizzled, with scars on its muzzle, and a pelt of impenetrable looking thick fur, it stalked toward the doors of the Chicago building. The human crowd took several steps back. The young reporter stammered, at a loss for words. The camera angle tited, as if even the cameraman forgot what he was doing.

"The shifter phenomenon," Sonia murmured, fascinated. "I'd heard the animal form affects humans, but I had no idea it was to this degree."

"It's an instinctual defense mechanism," Joseph shrugged, stuffing more popcorn in his mouth. "They've a sixth sense somewhere in their little human brains that is telling them the beast before them is smarter, faster, stronger, and more powerful than any normal beast could ever be."

Sonia frowned and delicately brushed popcorn crumbs off the couch. Joseph, upon seeing this, choked down his mouthful and helped her. She spoke as they cleaned together. "Magical texts think it could be a form of subtle magic. Something shifters innately have. But it's a controversial topic."

Lucas tuned them out. Micheal held the door for the wolf, and it disappeared inside. The wolf was downstairs at that very moment. The humans recovered, and the reporter apologized to the audience for the display of fear.

"How many alphas is that?" Lucas asked distractedly. "Twelve?"

"Sixteen," Joseph said. "Nearly every regional alpha in America has arrived, now. The Canadian ones will visit, at least, but they probably won't stay. Shifter sovereignty goes only so far, and the laws about foreign shifters are different than for natives. They could get in trouble if things get violent."

"Then why come?" Sonia asked.

"To show support?" He shrugged.

"How are you so calm about this?" Lucas demanded. "This is the beginning of a war! You weren't in the meeting with Gabriel yesterday. You don't know the plans they made! They really are preparing for another conflict!"

"It isn't so dire, yet," Joseph said, but he dropped his nonchalant attitude. "And I don't mean to belittle the situation. But there is nothing I can do. This is alpha business. Your business. If you attended the alpha meeting, you would have a say in how things played out."

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