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Your POV

"Sunghoon? Baby?" I called for him. I was slowly getting worried and nervous since I couldn't find him.

I then walked around until. I got to the sweet section of the market. I walked closer and closer to where he is.

"Sunghoon?" I thought. But as I tapped his back. He then turned around.

"Huh? Who are you Miss?" The kid said. 'Its not him... '
"Oh Im sorry kid..." I then walked away and try to find him somewhere..

'My gosh Y/N....you shouldn't have left him' I thought to myself.

"Where are you Hoon..."

Author POV

Sunghoon was walking around the toy section. Not for him though but for his uncle Wonwoo. He was thinking for the perfect gift but he could choose.

"This one or this one" He said asking himself.
He was actually choosing a stuffed animal but the two caught his eyes.
"Hmmm...I couldn't choose I'll ask mommy instead" He said. Sunghoon walked back but then he didn't saw you there.

"Mommy?" Sunghoon said feeling scared that his alone. He then walked around again but he can't find you.
"Where is she" He said. Now his in the verge of crying. He tried again and again but you weren't there.

"Mommy?..." He said while sobbing. He then stopped from where he came from earlier.
He was tired and sat down for a bit. Until...

"Hey little boy...are you lost?" A strange men said with a creepy tone. Sunghoon heard it he then stood up and stepped back.
"No..im trying to find my mommy" He said then try to walk away. The strange guy then grabbed his jacket.

"I know were your mommy is.." He said. Sunghoon felt scared that he started crying.
"No...let me go...Mister..." He said while crying. Sunghoon tried running but he didn't let go. His gripped was to strong to Sunghoon's jacket.

"Hey! Let him go!" Someone yelled. The person then walked closer. The strange man let go then ran away.
The lady then walked closer to Sunghoon. Sunghoon then hugged the lady tightly.
"Are you ok? Your safe don't worry Im here ok.." The lady said while patting his back. Sunghoon then let go of the hug.

"Where's your mom baby?" The lady said as she wipped Sunghoons tears.
"I-i don't know.." He said. He then gripped the ladies shirt.
"Why not let's find your mom hm?" She said to Sunghoon. He then nodded as an answer to the lady. The lady then carried him and walked around.

"Where did you last saw her?" The lady asked him.
"That section" He pointed out. They were about to go there. But Sunghoon suddenly spoke. "She's not there" he whispered and hugged the lady.

The two of them walked to a different direction. Trying to find you.
"Baby? What's your name?" The lady asked.
"Sunghoon that's my name..." He answered.
"That's a nice name.." The lady said.
"Can I get down now? You might get tired you know" He said. The lady was surprised with this kid. She put him down and grabbed his little hands.

"How bout you whats your name?" He asked the same question to the lady.
"My name's Mina...Myoui Mina but you can call me auntie Mina" She answered his question. He then nodded and gave her a smile.

Your POV

"Have you seen a kid here?" I asked some people around the market but they have the same answer.
"No Im sorry" The guy answered. I then walked away. I feel tired but I have to find my son. 'Y/N don't give up...'

'Your so dumb Y/N...shouldn't have left him...'

I then walked to the cashier.
"Have you seen a kid around here?" I asked.
"No Im sorry but what his name?" The cashier asked me.
"Sunghoon..." I said while looking around.
"Im sorry but no.." The cashier said. I ignored what she said. I was focus looking the store until... I saw a familiar figure..

I try to look at it careful. "Is that him" asked myself. The little fight then walk even closer and closer. 'Is that Sunghoon?'

"Ma'am do you want me to announce it?" The cashier asked me. But I was focus looking at the kid.
"No thank you.." I said then ran to where the kid is. I then slowly walked closer to him. The kid then ran and hugged me tightly.

"Sunghoon...baby I'm sorry its mom's fault". I said while hugging him.
"Im sorry too mommy" He said. We then both let go from the hug.
"I thought I lost you" I said as I held his hand.
"Me too mom I thought I was lost but thankfully auntie Mina found me" He said while smiling. I then froze at my spot...

'Sharon...Mina who is she?...' I thought to myself. I then looked up and yes it was her. I then grabbed Sunghoon's hand.
"Oh hi...thank you for finding my son...but we have to go now" I bowed at her. I was about to walk away but she held my hand.

"Wait...don't you remember me Y/N"

-End of Chapter-

-opsss ayan na hheheheheeh-

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