13 - Will You Be Mine

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Nothing ever tasted better than a hamburger after a full evening of dancing.

It didn't matter that the heels had chafed Yuki's feet, that her head ached from all the poking pins and stiff hair spray, or that her ribs would be sore from laughing. It had been a perfect night and eating gloriously greasy food with Rhett in the booth across from her had to be the crowning achievement.

"I'm sorry I didn't plan anything fancier," he said for what had to be the dozenth time. 

Yuki sucked some fry sauce off her fingers and wiped them on a napkin out of the multitudes scattered across the table. She'd fashioned a napkin bib by tucking them into the top of her neckline and covered her lap in a blanket of them. No way was she getting anything on this dress. "You know I love fast food yet I'm never allowed to eat it. So stop saying you're sorry and hand over your pickles."

She gestured to the pickles that had been exiled with the onions to the edge of his plate. Rhett didn't like either of them but refused to make special requests when ordering to leave them out. 

He turned over the pickles, while she peeled back her bun to set them on top of the meat patty. Closing her eyes, she took a big bite and relished the savory warmth that spread over her tongue. Mushroom swiss burgers had to be man's greatest invention.

By comparison, Rhett had hardly touched his fish sandwich except to take pieces out. 

"You alright?" Yuki asked. When he shifted and gazed out the window, she tilted her head for a better view of his face. "You worried about what'll happen when you get home?"

"I hate disappointing my parents," he mumbled, yet he didn't look angry. If anything, he looked disappointed in himself too.

Somehow that made Yuki feel worse than if she'd committed the trespass herself. She put her burger down and reached across the table to hold Rhett's hand. "Hey, let me talk to your mom when we get to your house. I'm sure she'll understand when I tell her you'd promised to take me to the dance."

Rhett sighed, poking at his fries. "I don't remember promising. Only asking."

Yuki shrugged, returning to her one true love, hamburger. "Same difference."

After a few minutes of silence save for her happy eating noises, Rhett asked, "Did you mean what you said on the balcony? You actually...care about me like that?" Love. It didn't escape her notice that he didn't use the word. Not that he'd had a chance to when Cyprus and a couple of his other friends interrupted their moment.

"Of course I do," Yuki said, sopping up ketchup with her last french fry. If Rhett didn't start eating soon, she might steal more off his tray.

"Yuki, can you promise me that I'm not your Lie and you're not going to reject me? I don't think I can take it again if this all turns out to be a joke." Rhett leaned on the table, food ignored and likely cold by now.

For all her practice at lying, telling the truth without acting suspicious had become far more difficult. Yuki lowered her eyes, finding it difficult to meet Rhett's intense scrutiny. She'd always loved his gentle eyes, framed by glasses. But without the glasses, he somehow looked unfamiliar and severe, as if he'd pick apart anything she said and point out all the flaws. 

"You're my Truth and I'm not going to reject you," Yuki replied. She held out her pinky finger. "Promise."

When Rhett's lips thinned, Yuki realized she'd made a fatal mistake. The last time they made a pinkie promise, she'd broken it. He remembered and the doubt shone in his clear eyes. Even though he looped his finger around hers, the action didn't lift his mood.

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