Chapter 2

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I woke up to a bright light I open my eyes and lift my head I realize its on Colton chest I try to get up but coltons arms tightens around me

"Go back to sleep"

"No I wanna take a shower" he chuckles and let's me up

"Try to get up" I try to get up but pain shoots through my legs and up my body. I groan and Colton pulls me back to his chest

"See u can't move"

"Why does it hurt"

"It means I did my job right" he smirks and I smack his chest

"Nasty man" I say he laughs

I lay my head back on his chest and trace circles on his abs



"Do u have alpha duty today?"

"Yeah I have to work in my office today why?"

"Nothing" I trace circles again

"Baby girl, what's on ur mind?"

"Huh? Nothing"

"Tell me"

"Its just that I wanted to come with u but its stupid"

"That would be great" I lift my head and look at him



I try to get back up but hiss in pain again

"Baby girl ur gonna hurt for a while we were at it for a while"

"Wait how long"

"Idk maybe an hour or 2"

"That long"

He nods

I groan a wave of nausea comes over me and I scramble out of Colton arms and run to the bathroom, I block out the pain in between my legs. I get to the toilet and throw up I hear footsteps being me and my hair gets pulled back while circles get rubbed on my back. When I'm done I go and sit on the bed.

"Baby are u OK?"

I don't say anything

"Baby girl?"


"OK ur going to the doctor" Colton goes to pick me up I stop him

"Go do u duties I need to hang out with Angela "

He nods and walks out Angela comes in later and runs to me

"I made sure Colton gone and the kids are in his office so I think I'm dead"


"Well I gotta hide" she runs into my closet Colton burst through the door

"Angela come here" he speaks loudly

Angela's head peaks through the closet door

"Yes?" She ask sweetly I laugh

"Why are the kids in my office"

"Um.. See we don't have anyone to watch them"

"Why not ask an omega" her face drops

I'm close enough to her mumble

"I'm that omega" I mind like Colton

'Colton she's the omega that watches the kids please do it'

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