Chapter One

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 My name is Angelina Mochizuki and no one calls me Angel anymore. I've been betrayed by my ex-best friends after 7th grade. What happened is two words: Christina Nelson. She swooped into our friend group in the sixth grade and became really good friends with Raymond. Like REALLY good friends. I saw them kissing in seventh grade while I was going inside the janitor closet because one of my teachers asked me for a mop. I was just staring at them in shock and I slowly closed my eyes and the door then ran. I can't believe that Raymond didn't tell me that he liked Christina. I was literally his next door neighbor and best friend!

My feet moved me back to the closet and they were still there but they had stopped kissing and were looking straight at me. I was blushing furiously of embarrassment and blurted out a "hi..."

"Did you see us a few minutes ago?" asked a paleing Raymond. I nodded and quickly grabbed the mop. As I was turning around he said, "Are you mad at me for not telling you?"

"No I'm not. Why in the world would I be mad with my best friend who had this big secret and clearly knew that his closest friend depended on only two things with people. Trust and loyalty." After that I quickly made my retreat but not before I heard Christina muttering something to Raymond.

"Drama Queen. I swear she just wants to be popular, but she just doesn't have the looks and the family. You're so lucky that I'm your girlfriend or your popularity ranks would be so low." Then I heard even more kissing sounds.

I didn't look where I was going and I bumped into Leo. He smiled and then he realized that I was looking so sad. He asked, "Hey what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I winced because I said it so quickly, "just don't go inside the janitor closet." He widened his eyes then ran off to who-knows-where. A few minutes later, I was still wondering where he went off to when I saw him. He looked green and was closing his eyes. "Where did you go?"

"The janitor closet."


"Yeah... And now I regret it. My eyes are way too young for that."

"Why would Raymond not tell us about his crush on Christina?"

"About that, he kind of already told me?"


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