Maverick Tribe

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Y/n : Taehyung don't leave me here please. I'm scared Tae...I'll never argue with you I promise... Taehyung our baby needs me.. TAE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE PLEASE.. I'M SCARED.. TAEHYUNG....TAKE ME WITH YOU..I WANNA GO HOME. DON'T YOU LOVE ME.. TAE...
Taehyung flinch when the boiling water fall on his hand. Y/n's crying and begging is still echoing in his ear. Another heart breaking sound come to his ear. His daughter's cry. She's crying for milk. Taehyung quickly pour the water on her bottle and add formula on it. After making milk for his daughter he put the bottle under the tap to cool in down and run towards his daughter.
Taehyung carry Vianna in his arms and started rocking her. But still the child doesn't stop crying as she's hungry and is waiting for her mother to feed her.

After so many struggle Taehyung finally make Vianna sleep. He carefully placed her on her crib and laid down on the bed. Taehyung look at the empty side beside him. The room is still smelling like her. Taehyung caresses Y/n's side. Last night she was laying here beside him. She was happy very happy thinking her husband will take her on a vacation. But instead he left her.. he left her in a place where a normal human can't live. Taehyung close his eyes and Y/n's smiley face come in front. He open them immediately. Taehyung get up walk towards Vianna's crib. He take her from there and placed her on the bed.
Taehyung : Tomorrow we'll go and bring your mother back
Saying that he kissed the baby's forehead. Of course Taehyung isn't planing to left Y/n with the wild humans. He did this just to trick Jimin. Cause he knows Jimin won't let them go this easily. That's why Taehyung played this game. He will bring his Y/n back and after that he'll leave town with his wife and daughter

Y/n was sitting in a hut hugging her knees tightly. Her whole body is trembling. Scary noises are coming from outside. Her cheeks were stained with dry tears. Now no more tear is left in her eyes. She was just thinking what sin she did that her husband abandoned her like this? If he fall out of love he could simply tell her. Why did he do that? Why did he left her? Anger and hatred started growing inside her for her husband. But at the same time she's missing him. She's missing his embrace where she used to feel safe. She's missing her daughter. What is her smoochie poo doing? Is she crying for her? Y/n started crying again remembering her daughter.

Taehyung was staring at Y/n's picture in his phone screen. Suddenly Vianna started crying in her sleep. Taehyung placed his phone on the bed and take Vianna is his embrace. He started rocking the baby but she doesn't stop crying. Taehyung left the bed and started walking while rocking Vianna but still she doesn't stop crying. He take her bottle and tried to feed her milk but she doesn't drink. Instead she started crying more in her sleep
Taehyung : Are you missing your mom my love?
Taehyung understood Vianna is missing her mom. Having no choice he take Y/n's dress from the cupboard and wrapped it around Vianna. The baby feel her mother's smell and calm down slowly. Taehyung pecked her forehead with teary eyes
Taehyung : We'll go to your mother tomorrow.. promise

The next day Taehyung entered in the tribes village with Vianna. But some tribes block his way.
Taehyung : What the hell.. move out of my way
But they doesn't move a bit. Taehyung saw Fongu Dangu coming to him
Taehyung : Tell them to move
Fongu : Duke wants to meet you.
Taehyung nodded and followed Fongu Dangu to Bitlang Gorka's hut
Taehyung : Where's my wife? Me and our daughter come here to take her back
Gorka : Look I understand your emotions but I can't let take her
Taehyung : What? But why?
Gorka : Actually we found a way to set your wife free from the demon
Taehyung : Really!?
Gorka : Yes but for that she have to stay here for few days
Taehyung : Will she be fine after that?
Gorka : Definitely
Taehyung : How will you take the demon out from her?
Gorka : By praying. Our Lord accept all our prayers in new moon night. We'll request him to leave your wife's body
Taehyung : And what if he doesn't accept your request
Gorka : The chances is less but you can take your wife after that
Taehyung : It won't hurt her right?
Gorka : Not at all. She will fine
Taehyung : I want to see her now
Gorka : I'm sorry I can't
Taehyung : And why?
Gorka : You just left her here yesterday and she still doesn't get used to this place what if she wanted to go with you after seeing you?
Taehyung look down hearing him
Gorka : I can assure you that your wife is fine. Our ladies are taking good care of her. You can come and take her back after some days.
Taehyung : But..
Gorka : You can come here to see her whenever you want but not today
Taehyung nodded sadly and come out from the hut.
He look back for one last time and started walking away with heavy heart. Holding the window Y/n was staring at her husband and daughter's going with teary eyes. She's tied with tree roots. Her mouth was covered with a very strong leaf.

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