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y/n was actively avoiding me

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y/n was actively avoiding me. she seemed to be sprinting out of her class at the end of the day or something because i never see her at school anymore.

i still go to the rink after practice, but she's no longer there as late into the night. and the universe no longer seems to be making us run into each other randomly. i was highly disappointed by this.

"have any of you guys seen y/n around?" i knew i was going to get teased for asking about her, but i asked anyway. makki and oikawa turned around to look at me while mattsun kept walking due to him not hearing my question because his headphones in his ears.

"why? are you missing her pretty face?" makki teased and elbowed me in my ribs. i smacked his elbow away and stepped away from him.

"no, i'm just wondering. haven't seen her at the rink recently." i tried to make myself sound as carefree as i could and not like i was hoping that one of them had an actual answer.

"you're the one who's always around her." oikawa replied. "haven't seen her since that day you made us go to the community gym for practice. if you haven't seen her then we haven't either." i frowned, my hopes of getting an answer slipping away.

"why you asking?" makki's nosy self asked and moved closer to me.

"it's just weird not seeing her at the rink." i replied shortly. "wondering if she's okay, that's all." we all followed mattsun who was heading to the university's skating rink.

"you're bound to run into her soon." oikawa patted my back. "don't miss your girl too much."

"she's not my girl." i shot out quickly.

"yeah, but you want her to be." oikawa said before walking ahead and catching up with mattsun. makki wiggled his eyebrows with me while also leaving me behind.

i didn't deny their statement because it would be a lie if i did. there was no doubt about my attraction to that girl and i wasn't going to waste time denying my feelings.

"it's closed." i looked up to see mattsun reading off the paper that was taped to the door. in big, black words written on the paper read "CLOSED"

"it's never closed." makki stepped up and looked inside through the window on the door. "why would it be closed today?"

oikawa was on his phone and texting the group chat that we were training at the community rink and in an hour. "coach didn't even tell us." he huffed before pocketing his phone.

"we're going to the community rink?" i brightened up because if we were gonna go to the rink, then that meant there was a chance of seeing y/n.

"yeah, let's go loverboy." mattsun wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hauled me away. "let's go see your lovergirl."

oikawa and makki stayed behind us while mattsun and i walked ahead. mattsun pulled his headphones off his ears and we kept up a small conversation. we had a hockey game two weeks from now and had to start taking practice and training more serious.

don't blame me - h. iwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now