Chapter 3 - Gridlock

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The Doctor walked around the console. “Just one trip. That’s what I said. One trip in the Tardis, and then home. Although I suppose we could stretch the definition.” Then he looked at them, but more at Martha. “Take one trip into past, one trip into future. How do you fancy that?”

“No complaints from me.” Martha replied to him.

The Doctor looked at her. “How about a different planet?”

“Yes, please.” Elena replied. “I want to see other planets.”

Martha looked at the Doctor, curiously. “Can we go to yours?”

“Ah, there’s plenty of other places.” The Doctor replied as Elena looked at him, sad. She didn’t even know why she was sad.

“Come on, though.” Martha complained. “I mean, planet of the Time Lords. That’s got to be worth a look. What’s it like?”

The Doctor was a bit absent. “Well, it’s beautiful, yeah.”

“It really was.” Elena muttered, but the Doctor heard her and looked over to her confused, but before he could say anything Martha spoke up.

“Is it like, you know, outer space cities, all spires and stuff?” She asked curiously.

“I suppose it is.” The Doctor replied as Elena stared off in thought.

“Great big temples and cathedrals!” Martha exclaimed happily.

The Doctor nodded. “Yeah.”

Martha grinned. “Lots of planets in the sky?”

“The sky’s a burnt orange, with the Citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns. Beyond that, the mountains go on forever. Slopes of deep red grass, capped with snow.” The Doctor replied, but he was worried about Elena, she was still in thought.

“Can we go there?” Martha asked excited.

“Nah. Where’s the fun for me? I don’t want to go home.” The Doctor replied as they had landed. “Instead, this is much better. Year five billion and fifty-three, planet New Earth. Second hope of mankind. Fifty thousand light years from your old world, and we’re slap bang in the middle of New New York. Although, technically it’s the fifteenth New York from the original, so it’s New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. One of the most dazzling cities ever built.” Then he looked over at Elena. “Elena?”

“Hmm?” She got out of thought and looked at him. “Yeah?”

“Another planet, fifteenth of New York!” The Doctor replied excited.

Elena grinned. “Lets go then!” She called as then they all went out.


The Tardis was blocking a narrow alleyway. They walked out into rain. “Oh, that’s nice. Time Lord version of dazzling.” Martha complained.

“Lovely, rain!” Elena complained as well as she was being sarcastic.

The Doctor looked at them. “Nah, bit of rain never hurt anyone. Come on, let’s get under cover!” Then they rushed further into the alleyway.

Martha looked around. “Well, it looks like the same old Earth to me, on a Wednesday afternoon.”

“You don’t say.” Elena comment sarcastically.

“Hold on, hold on. Let’s have a look.” The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to get a monitor working.

“And the driving should be clear and easy, with fifteen extra lanes open for the New New Jersey expressway.” A picture of a high-tec Manhattan and flying cars.

The Doctor grinned. “Oh, that’s more like it. That’s the view we had last time. This must be the lower levels, down in the base of the tower. Some sort of under-city.”

Martha looked at him is disbelief. “You’ve brought us to the slums?”

“Hmm-mm.” Elena hummed in agreement.

“Much more interesting. It’s all cocktails and glitter up there. This is the real city.” The Doctor comment to them.

Martha looked at him. “You’d enjoy anything.”

“When is he not.” Elena comment.

The Doctor shrugged. “That’s me. Ah, the rain’s stopping. Better and better.”

“When you say last time, was that you and Rose?” Martha asked, a bit disappointed.

The Doctor rubbed behind his neck. “Er, yeah. Yeah, it was, yeah.”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “You’re taking us to the same planets that you took her?”

“What’s wrong with that?” The Doctor asked confused, he didn’t saw the problem.

“Nothing.” Martha sighed. “Just ever heard the word rebound?”

The Doctor wanted to say something as then a man opened the front of his stall. “Oh! You should have said. How long you been there? Happy. You want Happy.”

More hatches opened. The next two were women. “Customers. Customers! We’ve got customers!”

“We’re in business. Mother, open up the Mellow, and the Read.”

“Happy, Happy, lovely happy Happy!”

“Anger. Buy some Anger!”

“What the hell?!” Elena exclaimed. “If you call further, I will let you see some anger!” The Doctor had to held her back. “And you are a buzzkill.” She glanced at the Doctor.

“I want things to be friendly.” He defended himself.

Elena had a call back. ‘Please, just stop! I want things to be friendly, Esme.’ Then she looked up at the Doctor. “Sorry.” She muttered.

“I accept your apology.” The Doctor told her.

“Get some Mellow. Makes you feel all bendy and soft all day long.”

“Don’t go to them. They’ll rip you off. Do you want some happy?”

The Doctor made a face. “No, thanks.”

“Are they selling drugs?” Martha asked confused.

The Doctor frowned. “I think they’re selling moods.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?” Martha asked.

“Suppose so.” Elena replied to her.

More people started to enter the area, listless and dressed in rags. “Over here, sweetheart! That’s it, come on, I’ll get you first!”

“Oi! Oi, you! Over here! Over here! Buy some Happy!”

“Come over here, yeah. And what can I get you, my love?”

“I want to buy Forget.” The woman replied.

“I’ve got Forget, my darling. What strength? How much do you want forgetting?”

“It’s my mother and father. They went on the motorway.” The woman replied sad.

“Oh, that’s a swine. Try this. Forget Forty three. That’s two credits.”

Just then the Doctor spoke up. “Sorry, but hold on a minute. What happened to your parents?”

“They drove off.” The woman replied sad.

“Yeah, but they might drive back.” The Doctor told her.

The woman sighed. “Everyone goes to the motorway in the end. I’ve lost them.”

“But they can’t have gone far.” The Doctor looked at her. “You could find them. No. No, no, don’t.”

The woman stuck the Forget 43 tab to her neck. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”

“Your parents.” The Doctor replied to her. “Your mother and father. They’re on the motorway.”

“Are they? That’s nice. I’m sorry, I won’t keep you.” The young woman leaves.

“So that’s the human race five billion years in the future. Off their heads on chemicals.” Martha comment sarcastically.

“Idiots.” Elena added.

Just then a man grabbed Elena from behind and a woman pointed a gun at the Doctor and Martha. The stalls all closed their hatches. “I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry. We just need three, that’s all.”

“No, let her go!” The Doctor called. “I’m warning you, let her go! Whatever you want, I can help. All of us, we can help. But first you’ve got to let her go.”

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Sorry.” The woman called. Then the man dragged Elena through a green door, and the woman locked it behind them. They ran along a passageway while the Doctor and Martha tried to get it open.


A car that looked like a truncated tram was parked here. “Let go of me!” Elena shouted. “Now!”

The man looked at the woman. “Give her some Sleep.”

“No! Don’t put that stuff in me, don’t! Get off me!” Elena shouted.

“It’s just Sleep Fourteen.” The woman told her, but Elena slapped her hand away. “No, baby, don’t fight it.”

“I’m telling you, don’t do it!” Elena fell asleep.


Elena woke up and took the tab from her neck. She heard the woman talking. “Yeah. The view from the windows. You can see all the way out to the flatlands. Clear blue sky. They say the air smells like apple grass. Can you imagine?”

“The houses are made of wood. There are jobs going in the foundries. Everyone says so.” The man replied.

Just then Elena had found a gun and  pointed at them. “Take me back. Whoever you are, just take me back to my friends. That’s all I want. I won’t cause any trouble. Just take me back.”

The woman looked at her. “I’m sorry. That’s not a real gun.”

Elena frowned. “Yeah, well, you would say that.”

“Where do you get a gun from, these days?” The woman asked. “I wouldn’t even know how to fire.”

“No, nor me.” Elena sighed and put the gun down.

The woman looked at her. “What’s your name?”

“Elena Hunter.” Elena replied to her.

“Well, I’m Cheen, and this is Milo.” She told to her. “And I swear we’re sorry. We’re really, really sorry. We just needed access to the fast line, but I promise, as soon as we arrive, we’ll drop you off and you can go back and find your friends.”

“Really?” Elena asked in disbelief.

“I swear!” Cheen pulled away her hair. “Look. Honesty patch.”

Elena looked angry. “All the same, it’s still kidnapping! Where are we, anyway?”

“We’re on the motorway.” Milo replied to her.

“What’s that, then? Fog?” Elena asked confused.

“That’s the exhaust fumes.” Cheen replied.

“We’re going out to Brooklyn.” Milo added. “Everyone says the air’s so much cleaner, and we couldn’t stay in Pharmacy Town, because...”

“Well, because of me.” Cheen interrupted him. “I’m pregnant. We only discovered it last week. Scan says it’s going to be a boy.”

“Right.” Elena scoffed. “What do I do now, congratulate my kidnappers?”

“Oh, we’re not kidnappers. Not really.” Cheen replied.

“No? You’re fucking idiots. You’re having a baby, and you’re wearing that?” Elena pulled the Honesty patch from Cheen’s neck. “Not anymore.”

“This’ll be as fast as we can. We’ll take the motorway to the Brooklyn flyover, and then after that it’s going to take awhile, because then there’s no fast lane, just ordinary roads, but at least it’s direct.” Milo explained it to her.

“It’s only ten miles.” Cheen added.

Elena looked at them. “How long is it going to take?”

“About six years.” Cheen replied to her.

“What the hell?” Elena exclaimed.

“Be just in time for him to start school.” Cheen replied to her.

Elena was confused. “No, sorry, hold on. Six years? Ten miles in six years? How come?”

Then they explained how it was going on in the motorway as then Elena remained quiet.


They were still heading downwards, Elena ignored them and looked out side. Then she heard roaring. “Macra.” She whispered to herself. But she ignored the others still, but then something hit the car.

“Go faster!” Cheen called.

“I’m at top speed!” Milo called back.
The car was weaving through the grabbing claws. “No access above.”

“But this is an emergency!” Milo called.

“Thank you for your call. You have been placed on hold.” Police told them.

Just then Elena spoke up. “Turn everything off.”

Milo looked at her in disbelief. “You’ve got to be joking.”

“No.” Elena shook with her head. “But listen, it’s all fog out there, so how can they see us? Maybe it’s the engines, the sound, or the heat, or the light. I don’t know. Turn everything off. They might not be able to find us.”

“What if you’re wrong?” Milo asked.

“Just do it!” Elena exclaimed rudely.

The car went dark as then outside went quiet. Cheen looked surprised. “They’ve stopped.”

“Yeah, but they’re still out there.” Milo comment.

Cheen looked at Elena. “How did you think of that?”

Elena looked flustered. “I saw it on a movie. They used to do it in submarines. The trouble is, I can’t remember what they did next.”

“Well, you’d better think of something, because we’ve lost the aircon. If we don’t switch the engines back on, we won’t be able to breathe.” Milo told her seriously.

Elena looked at him. “How long have we got?”

“Eight minutes, maximum.” Milo replied.

“Oh, shit.” Elena comment sarcastically.


“How much air’s left?” Cheen asked to him.

“Two minutes.” Milo replied.

“Fantastic.” Elena comment sarcastically.

“Right.” Milo turned the car back on.
“Systems back online.”

“Good luck.” Milo comment.

“And you.” Elena smiled at him.

They flow off again through the snatching claws.


The Doctor was on the monitor. “Oi! Car four six five diamond six. Elena! Drive up!”

“That’s the Doctor!” Elena called happily.

“We can’t go up! We’ll hit the layer!” Milo exclaimed.

Elena glared at him. “Just do as he says! Go up!”

The Doctor was still on the monitor. “You’ve got access above. Now go!”

Milo steered the car up out of the reach of the Macra. Cheen looked surprised. “It’s daylight. Oh my God, that’s the sky. The real sky.”

“He did it!” Elena exclaimed happily. “Ha!”


A little later, Elena ran in and saw all the skeletons. “Doctor? Martha!”

“Over here.” The Doctor called.

“Doctor!” Elena blinked as she saw the others and a big face. “What happened out there?” The Face of Boe was out of his tank. “What’s it?”

The Doctor glanced at her. “It’s the Face of Boe. It’s all right. Come and say hello. And this is Hame. She’s a cat. Don’t worry. He’s the one that saved you, not me.”

“Thank you, then.” Elena thanked Boe. Boe smiled at her. 

Hame looked sad. “My lord gave his life to save the city, and now he’s dying.”

“No, don’t say that. Not old Boe. Plenty of life left.” The Doctor comment somewhat sad and denial.

“It’s good to breathe the air once more.” Boe told them.

“Who is he?” Martha asked confused.

“I don’t even know.” The Doctor replied to her. “Legend says the Face of Boe has lived for billions of years. Isn’t that right?” Then he looked at Boe. “And you’re not about to give up now.”

“Everything has its time. You know that, old friend, better than most.” Boe told him seriously.

“The legend says more.” Hame added.

“Don’t.” The Doctor said quickly. “There’s no need for that.”

“It says that the Face of Boe will speak his final secret to a traveller.” Hame told them.

The Doctor sighed. “Yeah, but not yet. Who needs secrets, eh?”

“I have seen so much. Perhaps too much. I am the last of my kind, as you are the last of yours, Doctor.” Boe told him.

The Doctor looked at him. “That’s why we have to survive. Both of us. Don’t go.”

“I must. But know this, Time Lord. You are not alone.” Boe breathed out for one last time and closed his eyes. Hame wept.


“All closed down.” The Doctor comment. The shops were closed.

“Happy?” Martha asked to him.

“Happy happy. New New York can start again. And they’ve got Novice Hame. Just what every city needs. Cats in charge. Come on, time we were off.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Yeah.” Elena comment. “I could use a good rested sleep.”

Then Martha frowned. “But what did he mean, the Face of Boe? You’re not alone.”

“I don’t know.” The Doctor shrugged.

Martha looked at him. “You’ve got me and Elena. Is that what he meant?”

The Doctor sighed. “I don’t think so. Sorry.”

“Then what?” Martha asked confused as Elena looked at a ping pong match, by that them.

“Doesn’t matter. Back to the Tardis, off we go.” The Doctor comment. Martha straightened up a chair and sat down, arms and legs crossed. “All right, are you staying?”

“Good grief.” Elena sighed. “Sleepyhead here.”

Martha looked at the Doctor. “Till you talk to me properly, yes. He said last of your kind. What does that mean?”

“It really doesn’t matter.” The Doctor replied, avoiding the bloody question.

“You don’t talk.” Martha sighed as Elena sat down on the ground. “You never say. Why not?”

“Fast falls the eventide.”

“It’s the city.” Elena comment.

“The darkness deepens...”

“They’re singing.” Martha added.

“Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail...”

The Doctor looked them. “I lied to you, because I liked it. I could pretend. Just for a bit, I could imagine they were still alive, underneath a burnt orange sky. I’m not just a Time Lord. I’m the last of the Time Lords. The Face of Boe was wrong. There’s no one else.”

Martha had her eyes widen. “What happened?”

“Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day.”

“There was a war.” The Doctor replied, explaining it to them. “A Time War. The last Great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks, for the sake of all creation. And they lost. They lost. Everyone lost. They’re all gone now. My family, my friends, even that sky. Oh, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, and when they caught the light every morning, it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, the breeze would blow through the branches like a song.”

“The darkness deepens. Lord, with me abide.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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