Chapter 5

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I was standing by my locker with Harry, my arm around his waist, as we watch Mal give the cookie to Ben. We see Ben about to walk away but Mal says something that makes him turn back and eat the cookie quickly. After a minuet he is just staring at Mal. The other VKs creep up and a dopy smile forms on Bens face.

"MAAAL," I hear him sing loudly and me and Harry burst out laughing.

"Harrrrry," I sing out to him and he giggles.

"Hadriaaaaan," he sings as well and we fall against the lockers laughing as the other VKs look at us like we're crazy. Once we both calm down from our laughing I bring him closer and hug him close to me.

"Time to go watch tourney," I say with false excitement and he groans.

"I hate that fucking game," he says with annoyance and I giggle.

"After we can go do fencing again," I say and his eyes light up which makes a soft smile grow on my face.

"Ok, lets be quick then," he says, pulling me towards the field as I laugh. Once we get there we see the game is already almost over. Thank god. We walk up the bleachers and take a seat next to Evie, Harry on my lap. As the game finishes Ben scores the winning shot and everyone cheers loudly, including Evie. Harry rolls his eyes and I cover his ears, he doesn't like sudden loud noises. After everyone stopped cheering Ben took the mic from the announcer.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say," Ben says loudly into the mic. "Give me an M!"


"Give me an A!"


"Give me an L!"

"L!" My eyebrows raise in realization and laugh in disbelief at the effectiveness of the spell.

"What does that spell," Ben asks loudly and I laugh.


"I love you, Mal! DId I mention that," he asks, looking at her as she has an embarrassed look on her face. "Give me a beat!"

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro!"

Did I mention 
That I'm in love with you? 
Did I mention 
There's nothing I can do 
And did I happen to say 
I dream of you everyday 
But let me shout it out loud 
If that's okay-ay-ay (Hey!) 
If that's okay (Hey!) 

I met this girl that rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked 
And now I'm living just for her 
And I won't ever stop 
I never thought it can happen to a guy like me 
But now look at what you've done 
You got down on my knees 

Because my love for you is ridiculous 

Because my love for you is ridiculous 
I never knew (Who knew?) 
That it can be like this 
My love for you is ridiculous                                                                                                                                         My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) 
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss 

Well, did I mention... 
That I'm in love with you 
And did I mention 
There's nothing I can do 
And did I happen to say? 
I dream of you everyday 
But let me shout it out 
If that's okay-ay-ay (Yeah!) 
If that's okay 

I gotta know which way to go 
C'mon gimme a sign 
You gotta show me that 
You're only ever gonna be mine 
Don't want to go another minute 
Even without you 
That's if your heart just isn't in it 
I don't know what I'd do. 

Because my love for you is ridiculous 
I never knew (Who knew?) 
That it can be like this 
My love for you is ridiculous 
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) 
And I would give my kingdom 
For just one kiss                                                                                                                                                                    C'mon now! 

Because my love for you is ridiculous 
I never knew (Who knew?) 
That it can be like this 
My love for you is ridiculous 
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) 
And I would give my kingdom 
For just one kiss 
C'mon now! 

"I love you, Mal! Did I mention that," Ben says and leans in to kiss Mal but she swerves and he gives her a hug instead. Me and Harry laugh at the awkwardness. Audrey storms over with Chad in tow and takes the mic from Ben.

"Chad's my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date," she says and starts making out with Chad. Me and Harry gag and Evie has a mad look. Ben takes the mic back and they separate.

"Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me," Ben asks with a dopy smile and Mal smile has a hint of mischievous in it.

"Yes," she shouts and everyone cheers as Audrey storms off again. Me and Harry get up to leave but I see the sad look on Evie's face and pity sneaks its way into my heart. I sigh before turning to her as Harry watches me with confusion.

"Hey, you don't need a prince. You're..... one of the more tolerable of the group," I say with a smirk and she smiles gratefully at me. "Besides, Audrey is just an insecure brat who needs the affirmation of dating a prince. You don't need some royal because you are royal yourself."

"Thank you Hadrian," she says gratefully and I smile a small smile.

"Don't mention it," I say before a serious look takes over my face. "Seriously, don't. I have a reputation to maintain," I say and an evil smile takes over my face as she laughs and makes a zipping motion over her lips. As me and Harry walk away Harry looks at me with a smirk.

"Softie," he teases and I laugh.

"Me? Never," I say teasingly and he giggles. Once we get to the gym no one is there but we still go to the locker room. Harry tugs on the door but it's locked. Harry groans in annoyance but I smirk, motioning for him to step back. Once he does I raise my foot and kick the doors open. I raise my hand for him and he laughs before taking it. We walk in and each grab a sword, taking the rubber tip off. We walk back to the mats and raise our swords with matching smirks.

"Go," he shouts and swings at me. I block with ease and swing back, which he also blocks. This continues for half an hour until we hear someone open the gym doors. We both turn and point our swords at the person who turns out to be the Hatter. I lower my sword with a groan and Harry takes a step back.

"What do you want Hatter," I growl out and he flinches at the use of his last name.

"I just wanted to talk," he says and I roll my eyes, throwing my sword to the ground and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't like you Jefferson," I say angrily while getting in his face and he sighs.

"And I want to change that. Let me get to know you," he says desperately and I groan. 

"I don't want you in my life father! You could have saved me but you didn't! You lost your chance," I say angrily and he groans.

"I couldn't save you! And I tried! I tried so had to keep you but they took you and your mother in the middle of the night. I promise I tried," he says angrily and I take a deep breath. I take my hat off and run my hand through my hair. He looks at the hat with a sad smile.

"I still can't believe you kept that. I made it special for you when you were born," he says sadly and I look at it with a sad look.

"Mother said it was a piece of junk and that I should toss it," I say in a blank voice and look up at him to see a sad look on his face. "I'm glad I didn't" He looks up with a hopeful smile but my face is still blank. "I am willing to try. BUT, my attitude will not drop."

"I am willing to take the attitude," he says happily and a small smile forms on my face. He goes to give me a hug but I step back.

"Not that close," i say and he nods quickly.

"Yes, I understand. I'll leave you two to it," he says and quickly leaves with a subtle fist pump that I smile at. After he leaves I turn back to Harry who has a smirk on his face.

"I'm proud of you my love," he says and kisses my cheek. I roll my eyes but kiss his cheek back.

(1437 words)

Two Evils ~ Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now