Chapter 3- Deep forest

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*When you wake up in the morning on the third day, you think it's high time to find out more about this strange place because you know that something is happening* 

You decide to get dressed and go to visit your neighbor, an elderly lady, Anna. 

At Mrs. Anne's house, you are talking about various things when you finally ask: 
What happened to the murderer?... I mean... He died? Did he have a friend or something to keep him in this city? *you ask with slight fear in your voice what Mrs. Anne sensed*

Anne says:
-No baby but...people from the city suspect various things but no one knows what is really going on... whether the police caught him and he is in prison... whether he escaped from prison... or maybe he still are there or, as you say, he has an accomplice...

*Listening carefully to Mrs. Anne, you start to arrange various thoughts in your head and Mrs. Anne says:*
-Don't be afraid, there is no need for fear, only strength, the rest are just loose thoughts, no one saw him, so he doesn't exist 

After a short conversation with Anne, you go to your house, which is opposite the old lady, lock yourself in the house and turn on all the lamps, take a newspaper and read. there are only things written there about the new bakery and the weather, there is nothing about danger so you start to think that maybe you are exaggerating this fear, you decide to relax, you go to your room and sit on the bed, drawing posters and listening to music 

At 8 p.m., you go to take a shower and change into short, light pajamas and sit on the bed, ready to sleep. You hold the teddy bear, not counting on your family returning home because it's raining heavily and unfortunately they'll probably stay with your aunt, but you don't care, you're used to it. Maybe one day it will be like before, without this stress and the strange feeling that a murderer will knock on the door. you're thinking as you put your mother's white and brown teddy bear between your hands when suddenly you hear a bang from outside the window. scared, you squeal at the sound and look at the window from a distance and then approach it, you can't see anything except the raindrops on the glass, but you hear a scream, you thought it was teenagers walking on the streets and talking, because you know how it is, but it was strange, you don't know whether to suspect that they're from some house on the street or that they're teenagers, but you just decide not to think about it.

*You go to sleep without turning off the light because since you live here you are afraid to even go to the toilet without a lamp, and then you fall asleep*

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