Chapter 17

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Harry has never been happier.

When he planned to come back to Star Labs, it was to grab his things and leave.

That's why he expects the solemn expression of his friends when he breaks the corner.

Cisco is holding his duffle bag.

"I packed your screwdriver, figured you'd still need it to drive the scientist on Earth 2 crazy. " Cisco comments.

Harry smiles, and when they see another person walk from behind him, there's confusion.

Then recognition.

Next is disbelief.

Because you aren't looking at them like what they expect.

Your smile is as bright as Harry's.

"Hey guys."

Barry stumbles for a second and all you do is blink. He's hugging you so frantically and you almost trip. You laugh, because he's holding on so tightly.

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."


Explaining your situation is a little harder. There's still so much you don't truly know yourself.

But you trust Nora. She's looked out for Barry and the others countless times.

Overall, you're just happy to be able to look at your friends again.

"The period that my memories started vanishing is foggy, but I remember all of you. I remember what happened with Thawne and Harry coming here. Even me acting all brooding when we first met. I remember all of it."

Barry nods.

"Nora is someone we can trust. We've been through a lot. I'm just so glad that you..that we get to be here together. It feels like it's been so long."

You understand that.

"Do you feel different, any headaches or pains?" Caitlin asks.

"Nope, I feel great. It's strange. I still remember what happened with Thawne but everything is different."

"You went through an ordeal. I think it's normal." Harry inputs.

You understand his need to reassure.

"From here on out, I think things will be okay."

You look so effortlessly happy. Just from your expression he'd like to believe in just about anything.

For the remainder of the day, the atmosphere is fairly light. When it's time for you to go home, Harry insists on dropping you off. He's been pretty much a golden retriever since you came back and it's honestly really sweet. In the comfort of your home, you feel at ease.

Harry appears to be the same.

"I should start getting back those memories soon. Nora, the speedforce, she promised me that it would all be okay. My body just needed to be cleansed in a sense. In a lot of ways, severing the negative speed force might have been my saving grace."

You turn to Harry, because you can tell that until this point, he's taken the blame. The guilt of knowing he'd done that to someone he cared about could not have been easy.

"You saved me, Harry. I need you to know that."

In the event that this is all a dream constructed by his mind to deal with the guilt, his only request is that he never wakes up.

"So, now that the serious stuff is out of the way, is there anything you wanna tell me before my memories return. Any embarrassing situations that occurred that I don't recall?" You wear a playful smile.

"I finally watched one of those horrible rom coms."

"WHAT! Are you kidding me!! You monster! Now we have to watch one!"

"Not in this lifetime."

"Harry, come on!"

He was willing to do a lot of things, but he promised himself he would never go through that again. 

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