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Zander walked across the A-Deck foyer, passing the magnificent artwork that had been hung on the walls, and the grand interior of the ship. He is curious as he slowly moves his gaze, studying every bit of art work. He has never had such wonderful pieces of aptitude lay before his eyes. As he is lost in admiration, he finally notices Luke at the landing above, an even finer piece of art if you ask him. (A/N BAHAH IM SO RPOUD OF THAT LINE)

Overhead is a crystal dome. Luke has his back to Zander, studying the ornate clock with it's carved figures of Honor and Glory. It softly strikes the hour. Zander is admittedly nervous as he goes up the sweeping staircase toward Luke. Luke turns around, he is left absolutely breathless at the sight of the purple haired boy standing in front of him.

Luke is aware that having feelings for someone of the same gender is forbidden. Luke is looking at Zander, unsure of what to say at this moment. In reality, he isn't sure of the exact reason he asked to meet with him, he simply desired to see him and briefly break free from the confines of his everyday life. The excitement of breaking the rules.

Luke is aware of its wrongfulness, yet it fails to evoke a single sense of impropriety.

He finally finds enough courage to talk to him.

"I am not exactly sure why I invited you to meet with me tonight, but I thought you might prefer to see each other outside of the first class assembly. It tends to be a bit dull in there."

"Well Luke, I'm sorry but you thought wrong." Zander said.

Luke's heart stopped. Did he do something wrong? What did he do wrong? Perhaps Zander doesn't enjoy his company as much as he thought he did.

Zander sarcasticly remarks, "I thought you were aware of how much I enjoy drinking brandy and discussing the weather with the gentlemen."

Luke realises now.

"Oh my god... you were joking. You almsot gave me a heart attack! I thought you didn't like me."

Of course Zander was joking. He had only met this boy 2 nights ago, yet he already loves him more than himself. He shouldn't, but he does. He would give anything to spend time with Luke outside of a first class act.

Zander inched closer to Luke until their faces were almost touching. "How could I possibly not like you, Luke?"

Luke almost fell flat on his face. He felt his enitre body warm up. He was overwhelmed by emotions, sinking deeper and struggling to resurface. For once he felt like a regular teenager, a moment of pure joy and giddiness tied to love.

Zander promptly grabs Luke's hand and pulls him out of the room. "Allow me to show you a real party and take a break from your lavish lifestyle, just for this evening."


Crowd led and alive with music, laughter and raucous carrying on. An ad hoc band is gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music on fiddle, accoridon and tambourine. People of all ages are dancing, drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, even brawling.

Hailey, who Luke now knows as 'Zanders sister', hands Luke a pint of stout and he hoists it. Zander is meanwhile dancing with 7 year old Bethany, also Zanders sister.

As the tune ends, Luke leans down to the little girl. "Good job Bethany, your an excellent dancer."

Bethany scrunched her face and sticks her tongue out at him. "Why do you look like that?"

Hailey looked almost horrified, Zander was laughing. "Bethany! Be nice to the boy. I am so sorry about that Luke, she can be quite rude sometimes." Hailey said.

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