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"This is some waterway. I'm amazed you've managed to dig out such a big hole and live inside here. Is this one of your ways of having a good time?" Usopp inquired, his words echoing through the channel as their ship ventured forth, navigating the pathway to freedom.

"It's a hobby of mine as a doctor. Don't get the wrong idea." Crocus retorted, with a hint of correction. "I may not look like much but I'm a real doctor. I even used to run a clinic at the cale long ago. Not only that, I've got a few years under my belt working as a ship doctor too."

"A doctor!? Really!? Then join my crew as a doctor!" Luffy beamed.

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm too old to be doing reckless things unlike you youths." Crocus rebutted while he ascended the ladder towards the lever that would unlatch the gate.

"So you're a doctor huh.. and you're living inside a whale?" Nami pointed out with intrigue. "That's right. With a whale this big it's impossible to properly treat it from the outside." He confirmed.

"It'll open the gate now." He said while turning the mechanic which opens the gate.

"Alright! Luffy bellowed. "We're out! I can see the real sky at last!'

"What should we do with these two?" questioned Y/N, the wielder of wind powers, eyeing the foreign pair with suspicion.

"Just throw them over somewhere around here." Zoro suggested nonchalantly.

"UBAGH!" The two weirdos splashed into the sea. "Where are we!? Is this stomach acid!?"

"No we appear to be in a real ocean, Ms. Wednesday." Explained her crimson-haired companion. "We must've been knocked out by those pirates. Mr. 9!" The bluenette replied.

"So... Who were you guys again?" Luffy asked.

"SHUT UP! IT'S NONE OF YOU'RE BUSINESS!" Ms. Wednesday retorted sharply at him.

"No wait, Ms. Wednesday. Perhaps it is their business as long as their pirates that is." Mr 9 interjected with a wily grinm

"True indeed, Mr. 9. Our organization may have some use for you. Prepare yourselves" The bluenette pointed at us.

"Then we bid you good day until next time you hillbilly pirates! And Heed this Crocus! That whale shall be ours for the taking soon enough!" The duo swam off towards the horizon.

"So her name is Ms. Wednesday? What a beautiful Enigma you are." Sanji sighed.

Luffy peered curiously at the spherical glass object nestled on the ground, a compass embedded at its core. "Huh? Did someone drop this or something?"

"Are you sure about just letting them go? They'll be sure to come back for the whale again, you know." Nami questioned Crocus with concern.

"Even if I didn't let them go, there'll be other rouges who'll come and take their places." He replied.

"But to think it's been waiting here for 50 years.... Does it still believe it's friends will really be return?" Pondered Usopp.

"Those pirates sure are taking a long time..." As Luffy stretched out on his back, picking his nose.

With a scowl etching his brow, Sanji countered. "You idiot this is the grand line, they promised they'd be back in 2-3 years, yet they're still not back after 50 years... The answer's obvious."

"They're long dead by now. They won't come back no matter how long that whale waits...!"

"Why do you have to go and say such cold things! You can't say that for sure! They still might come back!" Usopp slammed his fist on the wooden trunk that Sanji was currently on.

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