viii. the cox

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"I am not coming back to the team

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"I am not coming back to the team." Bobby said for the eleventh time.

"Come on. You know you miss it." I had spent the last half hour trying to convince him. "They really need you."

"Tell your dad that, if he really wants me to come back, he has to ask that himself and with a good apology alongside."

"I am not gonna go back and forth between you two like a divorced couple's little kid."

"And I'm not coming back without an apology."

I understood his point of view, but Bobby was being too stubborn for my liking.

"We're going there right now." I dragged him.


"If you want that apology, ask him that yourself."

He didn't say anything after that. He just walked with me to the Shell House.

On the way there, still inside one of the college's buildings, we saw Shorty, with his hand against a brick wall towering over some girl, whose name I didn't know and whose face I didn't recognize. I couldn't actually see much of her face.

"Aren't you late for practice, Shorty?" He wasn't necessarily late for practice, but I couldn't stand that.

He turned around slightly startled, mouth half open.

"Come on, Hunt." Bobby added. I knew he couldn't stand it either. "Leave the poor girl alone."

The girl in question had her glassy eyes glued to Shorty. It was as if he was some type of god. Shorty's smile, which had disappeared with our interpellation, came back to life when he turned to her, whispered something in her ear and walked away.

"Am I seeing you after practice?" The girl asked on the moment he let go of her hand. I felt bad for her.

"He's not." Bobby answered for him. Shorty didn't even try to fight back, he proceeded to walk with us.

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