Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Sarah Kuznetsova had always been a dreamer. Growing up in a small village outside of Moscow, she would spend hours imagining what life might be like beyond the confines of her modest existence. She dreamt of exotic locales, exciting careers, and passionate love affairs.

At twenty-five, Sarah was still waiting for those dreams to come true. After graduating from university with a degree in English literature, she struggled to find employment in her chosen field. Instead, she worked odd jobs - waitressing, tutoring, dog walking - anything to scrape by.

Life wasn't terrible, but it wasn't what Sarah had envisioned for herself. One day, while browsing social media, she stumbled upon an advertisement for a mail-order bride service based in Texas. Intrigued, she clicked the link and began reading testimonials from satisfied customers.

According to the website, American men were looking for intelligent, sophisticated wives who appreciated traditional values and family life. Many of the women featured in the ads seemed happy and fulfilled, surrounded by wealth and luxury. It seemed too good to be true, but Sarah couldn't help wondering if this was the answer to her prayers.

After several weeks of deliberation, Sarah decided to take a chance. She submitted her application, complete with photos and detailed biographical information. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, with no response. Sarah assumed her application had been rejected and tried to move on.

Imagine her surprise when she received a letter stating that she had been selected as a candidate for a prestigious program aimed at pairing Eastern European women with successful American businessmen. Elated, Sarah packed her bags and prepared to embark on a new adventure.

Upon landing in Dallas, Texas, Sarah was immediately struck by the heat and humidity. Compared to Moscow's chilliness, the Lone Star State felt like another planet. Navigating the bustling airport was daunting, but Sarah managed to locate her contact - a grizzled older man named Ivan who claimed to represent the mail-order bride service.

Ivan led Sarah to a nondescript sedan parked in the arrivals area. As they drove through the city streets, he explained that there had been a slight mix-up regarding her placement. Apparently, the man she was meant to marry had changed his mind at the last minute.

Panicked, Sarah wondered what this meant for her future. Had she traveled all this way only to be sent back home empty-handed? Ivan reassured her that arrangements had already been made for a suitable substitute - a wealthy entrepreneur named Alexei Petrov.

Relieved, Sarah listened as Ivan provided details about her upcoming wedding ceremony and honeymoon. It all sounded incredibly extravagant, far exceeding anything she could have imagined back in her tiny Russian village.

However, as the car pulled up to a magnificent estate located just outside of town, Sarah couldn't shake off a nagging feeling of doubt. Something about this situation didn't sit right with her.

Her reservations were confirmed when she met Jack, a ruggedly handsome bodyguard assigned to protect her until the wedding. According to Ivan, there had been threats made against Sarah's life, necessitating round-the-clock surveillance.

Despite his intimidating presence, Sarah found herself drawn to Jack. He was kind and patient, listening intently as she expressed her concerns about the situation. Unlike Ivan, he seemed genuinely concerned for her welfare.

As the days passed, Sarah grew increasingly fond of Jack. They spent hours talking about their hopes, dreams, and fears. In many ways, he reminded her of herself - a dreamer trapped in a mundane existence.

But little did she know, their friendship was about to be tested in ways neither of them could have anticipated. Unbeknownst to Sarah, Jack harbored a secret that threatened to derail their blossoming relationship.

Would Sarah be able to forgive him for his deceit? Or would their bond shatter under the weight of past transgressions?

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