Chapter 1

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I ran into the gym with staggered, sharp, short breaths. I was officially ten minutes late to class. The pile of messy green snakes that sat atop my head rattled wildly as I leaned over, desperate for air. I look up to find a sea of eyes all locked on me, that one person who just ran into the gym late.

"Gorgon. You're late. Go sit on the bench and watch the rest of you class play casketball without you!" His sharp t's exagerated just how angry he was at me.

The class groaned in unison as I hung my head and walked towards the lonely bench. Nobody wanted to play casketball without their captain, right? Coach Egor spun around sharply and bellowed at me.


Yeah, like that was actually going to happen. Coach doesn't do half the stuff he says he'll do. Or, at least that's what I knew. But then again, that was just me. The class walked over to the court and began playing. I sighed and got up off the bench, eyeing to see if Coach had his back turned on me yet. Whenever he decided to ignore me, I usually snuck out back to the football field, where I would sit down on the bleachers and text anyone that was in my contacts list. It wasn't the brightest idea, but it beat siting on that stupid bench alone.

I quietly hopped onto the gym bleachers and walked up to the stained glass window. I looked over my shoulder again before I opened the window and sat on the small windowsill. Luckily for me they had stacked the mats underneath the window. I jumped down and landed right on top of the stack of mats with a soft thud. Then I pull my hood up over my snakes and started walking towards the bleachers.

I shoved my hands into my pockets with a miserable sigh, looking up to the dark clouds that had suddenly formed. Just then thunder clapped in the distance like a little kid at the candy store. I feel tears start to build up behind my eyes as I quickly put my head down, looking at the wet, cold ground. I'm thankful that I have my black and red shades on, because I feel a tear start to fall down my cheek. Another clap of thunder and the tears fall like the rapid, heavy downpour that had just started. I had no idea why I was crying like I was at the moment, but I could have probably taken an educated guess.

I ran under the bleachers and pulled out my phone. I had a slow uneasy feeling that Egor had noticed my disappearance and was probably now looking for me. I was panicking from both the heavy rain and the excitement of sneeking out on school grounds. My mind screamed at me to use my phone and text my mother and confess, but I refused to even let the though come back again.

My eyes glance up through the crack in the bleachers to see more dark clouds. I look back down again and sit down, pulling my knees to my chest.  I want to go home so badly. I hear my phone beep three times before it shuts off completely. I look at the screen in disbelief before I make a loud frustrated groan. I almost threw the device across the field. Suddenly I stop what I am doing when I hear footsteps and muffled voices by the doors leading back into the gym.

"You said he was on the bench before you turned your back around to the kids. And now he's where?" The principle's stern voice echoes. The gym teacher must be talking about my disappearance! Shit! The gym teacher must have seen the empty bench. Or maybe the open window too dummy! Oh why did I think I would get away with this! I had no chance! I'm dead if Coach finds me. I turn around the corner of the beecher and stop in my place. Oh crap. Too late on that one Deuce. Both teacher and principle are starring dead straight at me, and for a moment it feels like the whole world has stopped.

"Wait a sec- THERE HE IS! GET HIM!" Coaches voice booms as the rain pours down.

I knew this would happen- I was just to stupid to not think it wouldn't. The ground is slippery as I run away from Coach desperately, panicking even worse than before. I want to turn around and punch him in the jaw-I want this to end- to go back to the start of the day and make this nightmare go away. But I cant. I can't do anything like that. No, I can't do anything period! I stop running and think about where that came from. The thought almost like a dark cloud. He gangs up on me quickly and his hands look like they are ready to grab me by the arms. My feet kick up dirt again as I run for the thing that could help me with my escape, the fence. I climb the fence quickly and easily scale it to the top, watching as the Coach tries to climb up towards me, his eyes hold that sense of death while he moves. I look over and see the other side of Monster High, the girls sitting by the big tree talking back and fourth to each other about something.

"HEY! FRANKIE! CLAWDEEN! GUYS-" Suddenly I loose my balance and fall to the ground, landing on my shoulder with all my weigh. I look over my other shoulder to see that Coach has given up on trying to catch me. Instead he laughs at my fall. It must be amusing to see me in pain like this. I try to sit up but fall back down, clutching my whole arm in pain.

"Ow, shit! I think I broke my shoulder. Owch!" The whole reason why I shouted was so that Clawdeen and Lagoona could look over to see me in the state I'm in now. They both ran over to me and sat on their knees, frantically searching for more wounds. Clawdeen looked down at my cracked sunglasses and covered her moulth. Was she crying? What about Lagoona? I look over and see tears in her big green eyes.

"Oh Deuce, what in the name of Dracula happened to you? Lagoon, go get the nurse. I'll stay here with him." Clawdeen is shaking- she's concerned about her friends life right now what do you expect? Lagoona nods her head quickly, hair bouncing frantically before her long blue legs are sprinting into the big hallways of Monster High. Black starts to sweep over my vision, causing everything to go dark. I think about how this all could have been avoided if I hadn't been late for class before I finally black out.

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