Who will die??

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I think that one main character is gonna die, but these are the characters I think won't die

- Eleven, since she is the like main character I don't think they will kill her

-Will, I feel like since will was so connected with all the upside down stuff, I think he won't die

-Max, I think she's gonna wake up from her coma, and not die. I think that if she was gonna die they would have killed her at the end of season 4. But I don't think that she will be fully the same, becasue of that last scene where El was looking for max in the black void place.

- Joyce and Hopper, I don't think their gonna kill Joyce or Hopper

I feel like all the other characters have a chance of dying, but I really hope they don't die!!!

Also, there are so many people saying Eddie's gonna come back, but I think that he will stay dead and heres why

-He sacrificed himslef, and died as a hero, Idk I feel like thats a good death and that he shouln't come back

-Yes, even though the demobats cant kill you, THEY CAN STILL CHOKE YOU TO DEATH. 

-Idk I just feel like it doesn't make much sense to bring back his character

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