Chapter 36 - Escape

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Darrel's skin prickled with magic. It clung to the air like dew, pinning the Evil to the far side of the cavern, where Willy attacked it relentlessly. It glittered across the walls, holding back the streams of lava trying to break through the cracks in the ground.

But there wasn't enough of it to hold back the approaching Phantoms. Four of them marched into the cavern with purpose, fury burning hot in their red eyes. Two of them raced toward Willy's wall of magic. The other two headed straight toward him.

Frantic, Darrel threw up a shield, hoping to keep them far away from Alie. He knew he didn't have the strength to face them for long. He just needed to keep them away long enough to get Willy's attention so they could transport out of danger.

The commander slid to a halt in front of the shield. Putting his back to it, he drew his crystal sword. "Get her out of here," he growled over his shoulder. "I'll buy you some time."

The healer threw his bag's strap over his shoulder, then went back to work stitching Alie's stomach together with his wand. "If you think I'm leaving you behind after everything Alie did to free you, you're stupider than I thought."

Darrel frowned at him. "What do you mean, Alie freed him? Freed him from what?"

The healer lifted his head for just a moment, a disbelieving smile curving his lips. "She freed him from his Evil."

That couldn't be true. Not that Alie couldn't do it; he'd been there when she'd broken the Evil's hold on Michael. It was just... The commander had done nothing but cause her harm. He'd run her through with his blade! Why would she save him from anything?

"We might not have a choice," the commander grumbled, standing his ground. The two Phantoms who stepped up to face him drew their weapons. He nodded to them as they approached. "Dev. Kilera."

The woman, Kilera, shifted her weight nervously. She jutted out her chin, gesturing to Alie. "Is she dead?"

The commander stiffened. He gripped his sword a little tighter. "No. She lives."

"Yet you guard her," the one called Dev noted, his nose scrunching in disgust.

The commander nodded. "I owe her my life."

"It looks like she destroyed you," Dev said darkly, his shadowy power unfurling in waves from his feet. They skirted the ground, searching for opposing forces.

The commander didn't shy away from them. Instead, he took a step closer. "She set me free."

Kilera scoffed. "You're worse than Jea."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Dev spat at his feet. "To lose your bond is worse than death."

The commander shook his head. His voice softened in sympathy. "No. That's just the lie the Evil tells you so you won't want to let it go."

Snarling, Kilera's power snapped out from her body like iron spikes. "Enough of this," she decided, lifting her sword. "If you won't see the truth, then you will perish with your lies."

They attacked as a unit. The commander met them swiftly, blocking both their weapons and their power with his blade. He shoved them away with a grunt. "Get her to the portal!" he shouted over his shoulder. Then he threw himself into the fight.

Darrel paled as he hurried to scoop Alie into his arms. "We can't take her to the portal."

"Why not?" the healer asked. He caught Alie on the other side, helping to lift her unconscious body from the ground.

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