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He was leaving in a week's time nothing could change that yes it hurt her deeply to know she would have to let go of something she so dearly wanted ...
But she couldn't be the girl to keep him behind...
And she told him but everyday they just grew more closer ....
I should have mentioned that she was reading fifty shades of Grey round about valentines when he asked me what I  was reading and when I showed him I was taken back ...shocked to say the least and offered to bring her some books...she read them all ...the one in particular she found herself replacing the main character with him instead...and wrote him a letter to say thank you but also only after she found a note in her maths book that he carefully placed there ....
Funny thing is where she placed her note to him cuzz this was before she told him how she felt and she was scared to let him know so she knew he had orange juice in the fridge at school and sticked the colourful letter to the bottle knowing he would see it ...the next day she was told that he and lovely orange juice...with a smile and I wink ....
It made her blush like crazy but then she always blushed like that when he was around ....
So let get to the part where its a week before he leaves ....
They spent every day together every free second that they got talking exchanging those in love looks and puppy eyes .... smiling blushing we all know how love goes ....
She teased him in a fun way no not any adult content way ...she use to annoy him with things she knew would make him laugh....
Like take a lid of a bottle and scrape it against the counter till it made a loud noise and he'd grip her hands to still it but he never let go immediately he always held It for a moment....
There was the day he came in with he's breakfast and black coffee no sugar and sat on her chair in the kitchen so she went to lay between he's legs ... looking at him ...and no ...her head was away for him her legs was between he's ...anyway ...they laughed and talked so much he held her legs so thight in he's hands ...Lil did she know he was fighting the urge to kiss her ...she herself was fitting it .....she wanted him to lean in so badly but he's told her many times before he's not like that ....and he's proved it too .....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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