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Moving from a normal school to homeschooling can suck big time ....
And well for me it did until I laid my eyes on him ...
At first I thought I was seeing things and making myself feel things...but it was as clear as day light what I felt the moment he wrapped he's big muscular arms around my small body he's true blue deodorant hitting me from all sides possible...I loved how he smelt ... always so clean ...he always looked so neat and surprisingly I always found a way to be close to him or find myself staring (i know it's rude to stare but in my case it was from both sides )
When I found out that I had developed feelings towards him I wanted to see him more be around him more despite the fact that he was leaving for Cape town in less than a month....
How do you tell a man 7 years older than you ,you've developed feelings...how ....??? I'll tell you how ...
You write it down in a note book with a messy handwriting and run away... blushing... leaving it with him to read that's how ....
Okay yes it was very cowardly of me but I had a big crush on this man and well what would a handsome man like him do with a 17 year old girl yes I was not yet of age ...
Time went by and we spoke to each other Alot we made jokes and shared some moments not one of us wanted to own up to ....
Eventually we got so close that we were sharing deep thoughts and listening to the same music...
Telling each other how things made us feel ...
I was looking after a baby at school at that time too and I'd always catch him looking at me when I sat with her ...she was like my own ...just I didn't sleep with her at night I did all the rest ....March came ...by then it was 11 days before he had to leave And I tried to get the courage to tell him how I felt cuzz I didn't want him leaving without knowing selfish I know right ....
So round about the 5th I wrote a messy letter to him letting him know ....how I felt ....
And then I ran away and said I need to check on the baby knowing I had to face my fear he kept sitting there hands folded on the book as he smiled at me ...
And I knew there and then the feeling was mutual but what to do he's leaving in a week's time ....


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