The Tale of Yu Wen

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The life of our beloved Emperor Yu Wen is a long and sorrowful tale. It became known across the Empire upon his overwhelming victory against the former Tyrant and till this day, remains the most popular tale of all.

Emperor Yu Wen was never a man of status. He had moved to Gui Jiang village east of the capital where he found his wife. The village was small and deep within the snake spirit's forest. There he lived with his daughter, Mei Ying, after his wife passed.

She was the most beautiful woman. With porcelain skin, peach coloured lips and big eyes that shone as bright as the moon.

Men would flock around their house like flies, buzzing to get a glimpse of his daughter. Offering Yu Wen cattle, coal, gold and silver they had saved up diligently for years. Each time, Mei Ying refused them with a kind smile.

"I am my father's daughter, there is no other place for me but by his side."

When the year of the snake came the village threw a huge feast for the spirit who had helped their forest flourish. Mei Ying prayed and sung high praise for the snake spirit.

Once her dancing began, a giant black snake slithered out of the forest, golden eyes gleaming in the dark.

The people of the village screamed as the snake wrapped Mei Ying in its tail and disappeared back into the forest, its large body dragging and destroying the lanterns in its wake.

Yu Wen spent three months and five moons hunting the snake spirit down with nothing but a weak wooden spear in his hand. On the sixth moon, he found Mei Ying standing in a shallow river wearing the finest silk he'd never be able to afford.

"I am to be the snake spirit's bride, father." She said,

For the past months the snake spirit had brought her to his home upon hearing her sing. He remained in the form of a snake and yet Mei Ying treated him with kindness and respect. He loved her then, swore to protect her and their village just as she had fallen for him, swore to be his and his alone. He asked her to give him another three months to prepare his home and Mei Ying was free to return.

Yu Wen brought his daughter home and the village celebrated for three days and three nights. On the fourth day, a man of otherworldly beauty came to their home, the snake spirit had wanted to ask for Yu Wen's blessings. He had dark brown hair that shone a deep blood color in the moonlight and golden eyes.

For weeks, the three lived a blissful life. Each morning the snake spirit would provide them with a feast. A boar, a deer, a horse, the spirit fed the village and was loved in return by all. He provided them with stories of adventure, laughter that rang deep into the night and most of all, he provided Mei Ying with warmth.

When two months had passed, Yu Wen gave them his blessing and wedded his daughter to the snake spirit. The next morning, Yu Wen woke to find his daughter laid on the wedding bed, blood soaking her robes from a gaping hole in her chest where her heart once was.

For the beautiful man was not the snake spirit at all, but the spirit of a fox. Cunning, mischievous and most of all cruel. One of the few spirits who gained power by feasting on others instead of accepting their offerings.

Yu Wen, in his grief, ventured into the dark forest with his daughter's corpse gathered in his arms. He screamed at the heavens until his throat bled and sored.

The snake spirit slithered from the forest, its body towering over all and Yu Wen fell to his knees and laid his daughter's corpse in front of him.

The snake spirit's roar echoed in the skies and he soared off to hunt for the fox spirit, filled with grief for his lost bride. The two fought viciously, trees burnt in their destruction, hills and cliffs cracked and reformed with their strikes until the two spirits were left bleeding and on the verge of death.

Humiliated, the fox spirit had turned its cruel gaze upon the humans who dared raise their voice against the spirits. It raged in its wounded state, burning the village down with its hellish fires.

It is stated in the history books that this was the moment Emperor Yu Wen's destiny had begun to spin. As he and what little survivors he had gathered fled towards the capital where he would slowly gain power and influence amongst the people.

Later on, Emperor Yu Wen would lead a coup against the former Tyrant. Slaughtering the royal family and crowned by the people, beloved by all.


宇文 Yu'Wen (A proud tribe surrendered to the emperor.)

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