Chapter 6 (Three years later): Tom

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Is this it? Have I found a way to become immortal?

"Hey, Tom," Bella voice said from off to his left. He slammed the book so hard it almost caught his nose as he looked up.

"Woah, calm down, I'm not Dumbledore," she said teasingly. For once, he didn't engage in her taunt. She had become unusually tall for a fourth-year, and came up to his chin. So, as she stood and he sat, she seemingly loomed over him, a trait he did not like.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, standing up. She gave him a hard look.

"Nice to see you too. I'm trying to figure out how to shrink the moon, if you haven't noticed," she replied, waving her empty Transfigurations homework in front of him. Tom returned her hard look with one of his own.

"Ha, ha," he hissed sarcastically.

"What are you reading?" she asked, craning her neck over Tom's hand.

"Nothing," he said hastily, shoving the book into his bag.

"Really?" she prodded.

"Really," he answered. Bellatrix considered him for a moment.

"Alright, if you're not doing much, I might see if Rodolphus has anything better." With that, she got up and began to walk.

"Wait!" he said, suddenly, flinging out a hand. He couldn't stop that feeling, the one that made his heart race and his words come out jumbled. Even so, Bella looked at him over her shoulder.

"Yes?" she asked, a hint of smug evident in her voice. Tom felt an unwelcome surge of giddiness, override him as he stared into her eyes. He tried in vain to shove it, but when she turned fully to see him, he couldn't resist.

"I'm headed to Slughorn's Christmas Party tonight, I've been asked to invite a friend," his spirits lifted as her mouth curved upward slightly, "so I've wondered if-"

"Hi, Tom," said a voice behind him. He whirled around to see a sixth-year Slytherin walk toward him. His eyes narrowed.

"Alecto Carrow," he said. It wasn't a question. He continued to stare into her eyes, which were already wavering at the sudden silence.

"Uh, yes, the very same," she said hesitantly. Beside her, Bellatrix's sister, Andromeda Black was staring at her elder sister with wide eyes. Neither said anything, although it seemed that Andromeda was silently trying to drag Alecto back.

"What is it?" he asked rather ungracefully.

"Um, well I was just wondering if you'd enjoy me accompanying you to Slughorn's Christmas Party," she said. "I figure, since we've known each other for some time now, it'd make sense to go together. I mean, you else would you like to come with you? We are loners, aren't we?" At her words, Tom felt Bella's cold eyes pierce the back of her neck.

But Tom ignored this, instead intrigued by Alecto's words. Normally, he'd say no. But an idea was sparking in his head. The Carrows were a prestigious line of purebloods. If he could recruit them for his later plans...

"Alright," he answered once he'd thought it through.

"What?" Bella hissed. Tom looked around to see her face was surprisingly relaxed, but could feel to waved of rising anger radiating off her. Tom considered telling her the truth.

No, I can't. I can't tell her, or she'll try it for herself. Must ask Slughorn before I reveal it to her.

"Yeah, I think I'll go with Alecto. You can join me some other time, Bella."

"But I thought you wanted to go with me?" she asked. Her face transformed from anger to betrayal, a mixture of hurt and sorrow. Tom felt his stomach drop at it. He didn't want to go with Carrow. Deep down, he did want to go with Bella. Not because she was top of the class or that she was pureblood. It was because she was Bellatrix, the only person who understood him, that didn't leave him after he told her that he wasn't pureblood, or mind the dozens of students that daily stared at them; ignoring the snide comments. But this was better, for his plan. Bellatrix must see that, right?

"I told you, some other time," he said quietly. With that, he strode out of the library, Alecto at his heels. He glanced back to see Bellatrix still standing there, eye trailing after him. He wasn't sure he would forget the look of utter betrayal in her eyes.

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