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[After the months of training  right now in iland they have already done their first evaluation]

(After getting their stuff)

Greeting all the producers

Rain:I'm so glad you girls could come out and help mentor for our show

Kazuha:No problem it's our pleasure.

Rain:So here are two clip boards you will be helping evaluate them and leave notes on how their performance is personality wise and physical.Eunchae will help with the ground and kazuha you will help with iland. So we can get better idea on who we should vote at the end.

Kazuha:Thank you so much, but sir why did you choose me and eunchae out of all trainees?

Rain:I chose you two since you two were quick learners and had a high potential. And eunchae wear this mask we don't want the ilanders to know how you look like we want it to be a suprise for the ground.

Eunchae:Oh ok thank you sir.

Rain:Alright you will go through this path and see the egg shaped thing and it'll transport you to iland.

Kazuha Alright thank you so much again..

[Walking 🙂]

Kazuha:You nervous eunchae ?

Eunchae: yea especially since they don't know much about us. And also I won't be with you..

Kazuha: you will be fine I promise your smile will brighten up the room.

[In iland]

It's the second day of doing the second challenge.

A large announcement sounded off telling the iland and ground people to go center and sit for the announcement
After they are all sat

(At ground)
Jay:I'm really curious on what they gonna tell us

(Back at iland)

Seon:What do you think the announcement will be

K:I'm not sure.

Today you will be meeting your new mentor that will check up on you and make sure you are working hard and take notes for us producers. Your mentors may not be recognizable since they are new trainees.

Seon:Why would they give us new trainees as mentors?

As the egg in the middle turns everyone gets from their chairs ready to greet the new guest's, as the egg turns and reveals 2 girls one with a mask and a little shorter then the other. As they all exchange bows the slightly taller one begins to speak.

Kazuha:Hello My name is Kazuha I'm 17 years old and I've been a trainee under belift for 6 to 7 months, It's really nice to meet you all.

Eunchae:H-Hi my name is Eunchae I'm 14 years old and I have trained under hybe for around 5 months it's also nice to meet you all.


Jake: wow she is your age Daniel

Kazuha: I will be the mentor for iland and Eunchae will be the mentor for the ground which is why you can't see her face.

Eunchae begins to leave and go to the ground

At ground
Kyungmin: I really wonder how she looks like

As eunchae goes through the path she starts to think

Eunchae ☁️: They all looked so intimidating.. I should take this mask off

As eunchae opens the door she immediately begins to bow with a bright smile on her face which begins to infect all the others in the group

(Back at iland)

Kazuha:So shall we go see what you have all been working on?

Heesung:Yes we will show what we have prepared so far.

They all begin to walk over to the practice room

Sunno whispers to EJ "she's really pretty".

As they all get into positions they begin to perform their song they have been working on. As kazuha slowly examines she writes some notes down , which the ilanders seem to notice.

After they have finished kazuha makes them sit in a circle to give them tips.

Kazuha: You guys are pretty good but it looks like you are mostly working on your own part then actually working as a team. This challenge is supposed to show teamwork right now you guys don't look like a team you look like a bunch of soloists trying to perform together. Also some of you are singing with you chest rising instead use your stomach for singing.

As everyone nods at kazuha's info there was someone who couldn't keep their eyes off kazuha (gonna leave y'all to wait and find out) Although kazuha was very informative and went straight to the point the ground was a quite different atmosphere.

"Wow, you are really good at dancing Eunchae"Jake tells her. "Thank you I'm not really confident with my dance quite yet"she exclaims.

As Eunchae starts to talk about her trainee experience. There were two people in the corner having a conversation.

Daniel:she has really pretty eyes


Daniel: Wait what

Niki: wait I-I didn't process what you said.

Daniel:Why are you sleeping

Niki:because I am tired why else

Their conversation ends as eunchae asks them to show her what they have prepared so far for the evaluation.

As they start to perfom eunchae  focuses on their performance. She takes notes and begins to help them when they finish showing her.

Eunchae: You guys have really good teamwork and jay fits the leader position really well. Although some of you have this small problem of breathing,with your chest when you sing which you shouldn't do, instead use your stomach. Also there are some details missing here and there but I'm sure it's just because of you all just being into your 2nd day before the evaluation .
Eunchae begins to help each one of them slowly begin to learn detail by details.


After they all hear her feedback they start to work together but the atmosphere seems tense, as soon as she begins to finish her small notes, she sees that everyone is separated into groups and working on certain parts. As she sits in the middle observing, someone sneaks up behind her.

Sunghoon:Hi how are you um....

Kazuha:I'm alright and my name is Kazuha

Sunghoon: ohh ok thank you, so you have been a trainee for how long again?

Kazuha: 6 to 7 months how about you?

Sunghoon: I have been a trainee for 2 years

Everyone begins to observe from afar since they act like they haven't met a girl in years

Kazuha: wow that's quite a long, so is there anything you need help with

Sunghoon:yes actually I am not sure what you meant by singing with your stomach and not chest.?

Kazuha: oh so when you normally breathe you breathe in with your chest try to transfer the air to your stomach, since it helps you with your breath control.

Sunghoon:oh ok thank you so much.

Kazuha:no problem

As both eunchae and kazuha begin to help everyone out its starts to get late and they both
Say their goodbyes and start to leave.

Kazuha:So how was it?

Eunchae:It was amazing they all are so cool but their all intimidating looking, I didn't get how you were greeting them without feeling nervous.

Kazuha:oh trust me I was terrified, I can't make eye contact that well.


They were all separated out through their rooms, right now jungwon, heesung, sunghoon, taki, k , seon and sunno in one bedroom chatting.

Heesung: So how did y'all feel about the new mentor?

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