Chapter 1...

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Y/N was getting his computer started up, planning to start another Resident Evil game.

Y/N: "It's that time again. Now which game should I go for?"

He looked up the list of Resident Evil games he hasn't played yet. So far, he's played through four of them. Eventually, he looked at Resident Evil 1 Remake.

Y/N: "Come to think of it, I haven't gone through the first game yet. Yeah, let's play through that one."

He made sure to check everything he needed. The only thing he brought with him was his favorite pistol, his sunglasses and a trench coat which he had recently bought.

Y/N: "I hope this coat doesn't get ruined."

He started up the game and waited a few moments to get to the title screen. Next, he had to select a character which was either Chris or Jill.

Y/N: "Do I want Chris or Jill? If I choose Chris, do I replace him like Leon or does he stay? I don't want him to find me. I better pick Jill just to be safe."

He selected Jill then started to choose a difficulty next.

Y/N: "Okay, mountain climbing is normal, right? Let's go with that."

He chose the difficulty and the game was starting.

Jul 1998, Raccoon Forest was typed on the screen.

Chris: "Alpha team is flying around the forest zone, situated in northwest Raccoon City, where we are searching for the helicopter of our compatriots, Bravo team, who disappeared during the middle of their mission."

The screen showed the helicopter view flying over the forest.

Brad: "Chris, you haven't found it yet?"

Chris: "No, not yet Brad."

Y/N: "I've missed playing this."

The screen changed to a woman discussing news on the TV.

Chris: "Bizarre murder cases have recently occurred in Raccoon City. There are outlandish reports of families being attacked by a group of about ten people. Victims were apparently eaten."

The screen showed shots of families and dead bodies then turned back to the helicopter.

Chris: "The Bravo Team was sent in to investigate, but we lost contract."

The helicopter's search light spotted something in the forest.

Jill: "Look Chris!"

Y/N: "What is it?!"

Joseph checked inside the wrecked helicopter. He currently had his camera on.

Chris: "Bravo team's helicopter was a derelict."

Joseph started to check the pilot seat next.

Chris: "Save for the remaining body of Kevin."

Joseph found Kevin's dead body. He quickly left the helicopter after seeing it.

Y/N: "I wonder, did that pilot stay in there for the whole night? Or maybe it was a little after Resident Evil Zero started."

Wesker, Barry and Chris were searching around the forest with their pistols and flashlights.

Chris: "We continued our search for the other members. And it turned into... a nightmare..."

Y/N: "And so the horror begins."

The screen flashed to Jill and Joseph who were also searching in the forest. Joseph still had his camera on as he was breathing heavily. Jill had her pistol and flashlight pointed straight while Joseph was behind her.

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