File 2

160 13 1

(Forest)(<— this will show a timeskip and the location.)

"Ugh, it's getting dark."

Although the trees Seldom find himself surrounded by were incredibly tall. It was fairly easy to see the sky turning darker. But strangely enough it wasn't getting colder. Instead it had stayed a comfortable temperature.

'Will it stay this warm all night? Because if so good I don't have anything else to keep me warm other then the clothes I woke up with.'

Pausing to stare at one of the smaller trees Seldom fidgeted as he check the area real quick.

'I should stay up in the trees tonight, this place is starting to give me an eerie feeling.'

After about 15 minutes of trial and error he finally managed to climb to the largest branch of the tree. Just in time to see the sun vanish behind distinct mountains.


The howl was loud and guttural seemingly to announce the coming of night. Freezing up from the wave of fear that washed over the forest forcing him to sit there not daring to move.

Seldom didn't move for minutes and probably would have even longer. If the sound of something walking didn't make itself known. Taking a deep breath and peeping down to see 3 bipedal creatures.

They were about as tall as your average human, fur in it's body, no arms, but a large tail that sort of resembled a demon's face. They sniffed around the place seemingly looking for something.

'Or someone.' grimacing Seldom hid behind the tree when one looked up.

Thump, Thump, Thump~

If it wasn't almost totally quiet it would have been impossible to hear the air breaking. Then the sound of something hitting flesh and 3 bodies dropping would have been easily over looked.

'What?' Taking another peek Seldom saw 2 of the three beasts with a long piece wood sticking out of there head. The last one was cleanly pierced though the wooden death sentence stab in the ground a few feet away.

Looking towards the direction the spears came from a tall humanoid walked out. It easily reached 3 meters tall, it's body was covered in leaves and vines. It's arms nearly reached the ground, their legs resembled a deer's. The face was shrouded in a unnatural darkness, on top of it's head looked like a bull skull.

Just seeing that thing brought an honestly reasonable fear. As it walked over and reached for it's kill the monster stopped and snapped it's head up. Nearly catching sight of Seldom if he didn't hide in time.

'Shit! Fuck! Shit!!! What is that thing!? No! Calm down! I'm starting to shake. Calm, have to chill out. Who knows if that thing has sensitive hearing....calm.'

His heavily breath quickly stopped as he took a breath. Seldom sat there becoming as silent as possible, trying to erase himself as much as possible. Hearing the sound of something being dragged he looked down once again to see the thing. Drag away it's hunt into the deep, dark, very, very dangerous forest. Relaxing as it left the reincarnater to spend the rest of the night sleepless, alone, and scared.


The night survivor didn't even bother looking over the branch again until the sun was well in the sky and the insects and birds started to sing. Taking a peek and seeing nothing around Seldom climbed down. Not daring to jump from that height in case of injury.

"Fuck this place I miss whatever a bed is, hm?"

Sitting not far from him was the same wooden stick that killed one of those demon tails. Walking over and looking it over, The stick was more of a weapon. The thing was unnaturally sharp around the edge. It sort of resembled a sword with how the only actual stick like part was the opposite side of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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