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" Raj that night has not left my mind yet

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" Raj that night has not left my mind yet.I remember each and every thing about it, from what that girl wore to what colour shirt karan wore. EVERY SINGLE THING.  Raj the very next day I was sent to that hell hole.

He raped me every single night. Raj I laid there every single night without having the strength to even lift a finger. Raj every night it broke and took a piece of me with it. It was I think after 1?2? months that I went to see a doctor as I had been vomiting a lot. That day the doctor told me I was pregnant.

Raj I was pregnant from that night in the office. Raj the moment I came to know about this it lit a fire in me. I knew that would never allow that asshole to even touch my child.I remember having no idea what to do because I had made my mind to not go back to that house ever again.

I had gone to......mahiru's house. The moment she saw me and my state. She asked no questions.She gave me a place to stay in, a place to have food and most importantly a person whom I could actually rely on.The day I had gone to her house, the very same day I had a horrible meltdown. All the pain, the guilt I had left was in front of her that night.She knew every single thing about me that night. 

The next day that man was at her doorstep and you know what did girl did? She let him be there for I don't know how many hours. He atlast gave up and left. You know the most shocking part? Instead of me sending him divorce papers, I had received it from him the next day. Just think of that man's ego. Raj, I have always believed ego and anger ruin a person. They take away a person's ability to even think about what they are doing.A simple step to ruin yourself is to let your ego win.

I had signed the paper and the next 9 months I was living with mahiru. She was there for all, from my mood swings to my late night cravings she has seen it all.There were nights when I would overthink and contemplate my decision but then that girl taught me to put my foot down and actually say no.She made me think of myself and not only my child.

I gave birth to aadhya and that feeling raj, was incredible. I felt like leaving that asshole was all worth it. Being a mother is the best feeling anyone can have raj. Your life starts making sense finally. Taiji and Tauji had showed up in the hospital and convinced me to come back home as the news of aadhya had somehow been leaked and it was bringing shame to their image.Raj I still have nightmare about that night raj........"

I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, I was getting flashback of that night . I suddenly felt a cold metal slip on my neck and a faint voice

"Noor hum hain idhar aapke pass. Noor this is a shiv ji's necklace that I wear, it helps me to calm down. Hold it Noor it will help you"

The moment I heard it I started holding onto that necklace and caressing it. I was suddenly lifted and kept somewhere. I felt two arms wrapping themselves against me. I felt kisses on my temple and it kept going on until I was totally calmed down. I took few deep breathes and slowly opened my eyes and that's when I heard raj

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