Treat Me (8)

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Let's give a comparison on how Uzi and N treat each other in their relationship/marriage, yes, marriage. You'll see why later. This is just a cute fluffy chapter as I want to showcase how much I love these two and how much these two love each other.

How N treats Uzi

N is seen giving Uzi a hug as the worker drone is seen sleeping on his chest

He gently brushes her hair to the side, giving him access to see her eyes and smile even better

Then, he would gently pats her head and back before cuddling her.

All he wants now is to sleep and cuddle with his robo-wife.

Unbeknownst to him, his wife had been awake as he gives her affections


V and Uzi are seen talking with each other

Uzi: And then that's when I almost got killed by my own husband.

V: And he didn't even feel angry about that?

Uzi: Either he forgot about it or he doesn't care. Either way, it doesn't matter anymore

While the two are talking in the distance, N is seen smiling at Uzi while admiring her from afar

N: Sometimes, I feel like the luckiest drone ever.


In their living room, the two drones can be seen sitting together while Uzi is leaning against N

Uzi: Today has been a long day. Gotta trained a few worker drone fighters and have to listen to my dad on his crazy rambling about "building another door."

N: Awwww it's okay, biscuit. It's time to relax and just let it go.

The disassembly drone wraps Uzi around her wasit with his leg while massaging her back and shoulders

Uzi: Oh yeah~ that really hits the spot.

N leans in on her ear to whisper

N: Want me to bite you everywhere for tonight?

Uzi can only blush and nods slowly as she can feel his sharp teeth going through her robo-skin

This may hurt, but she knows it'll only last a while, the pain, not the feeling

After digging his teeth on her skin and leaves a new bite mark, the purple-haired drone feels a lot more relaxed

N: Did that help, love?

Uzi: Very much, but it's not enough to relive my stress today~


J: I've never seen N being this clingy to someone before

V: How can you tell? He's barely clinging onto someone else whenever he's around us

J: Yeah well...

The two disassembly drones looks at Uzi who is sleeping peacefully while she's being wrapped around N and his tail is wrapping around them

J: Let's just say, he already found someone as a replacement for his loneliness.

How Uzi treats N

The worker drone is seen placing down a gift while N who is asleep

But she have to make sure she didn't make a sound everytime she walks around him

Uzi: whispers I love you so much, N.

As she walks away, it pans over the gift.

A dog with N's clothes and a crow with Uzi's clothes

N x Uzi oneshot (Murder Drones Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now