Chapter Two: Weird Neighbour

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"..........Are you kidding me? The neighbour is at it again??"
Ashley moved her plate of food aside "Wanna go take a peek?" Andrew shook his head in reply "Nope. But I'll come along if you do..." He smirked and tossed the balcony key to her "Here, catch!"  Ashley caught it and got up from her seat, motioning for him to get up too "c'mon, let's go."

The two made their way to the balcony door and Ashley unlocked it. The two walked outside on the cold white balcony floor. It was small like literally every other room in their house but it was big enough to fit a table and chair. They both tried to see what was going on in their neighbour's apartment from their balcony but they were failing miserably since their neighbour's balcony and their balcony had some space and if they tried to take a leap of faith they'd probably end up in the hospital with 6 broken bones. "Hmm... Can't really see squat from here." Andrew muttered. He sat on the chair in the balcony for no exact reason except 'his legs were tired.' There was an ashtray on the small table in the balcony. There are no cigarettes left to smoke, but it's still good for bashing things in. Ashley was standing next to the edge of the balcony, holding the railing as she starts contemplate if she should take a leap of faith to the neighbour's balcony. I mean, It's only the fourth floor... Andrew noticed this and sighed "Ashley, don't you even think about it." Ashley scoffed "Ahhh, he's no fun..."

Guess they'll have to set something up to cross. The two exited the balcony and searched around the house for anything they could use to get to their neighbour's balcony safely. They entered their parents room, well, used to be parent's room. They left the apartment a few months ago because they didn't drink any of the water. They looked at the bed, their parents have definitely fucked on that bed (I'm so sorry you had to know that but they said that in the game so I wanted to include it somehow 😭.) The two went over to the bookshelf and Andrew tried to look for stuff in it and then stuff started falling out and a book or two probably fell on Ashley. "Oh crap! Are you alright??" Andrew was a bit worried and annoyed. "These goddamn DIY shelves, I swear..." There seemed to be nothing on the shelves but wait.. what is that? They found a wooden plank! Andrew smiled at this and the two made their way back to the balcony. They set down the wooden plank and the two crossed it and were now in the neighbour's balcony. They both looked through the glass door of the neighbour's balcony to see what he was even doing.

Holy shit. He was doing a ritual.
nothing showed up, and the neighbour was getting frustrated. ".....................Goddammit. What am I doing wrong??" He walked over to the gramophone that was playing the weird-ass music and turned it off. "I thought the was perfect... I knew I should've killed that guy when I had the chance!"

Ashley and Andrew were speechless, and scared, and genuinely concerned. Andrew glanced over at Ashley ".......What do you make of that?" Ashley was uncomfortable, to say the least. "Everybody needs a hobby I guess..." Andrew stopped looking at what the neighbour was doing. "Forget this, isn't it almost time they let us watch TV?" Ashley shrugged and the two eventually left their neighbour's balcony and went back into their apartment so they could see what was on the telly. Andrew picked up the remote and sighed "Ah, the remote is dead." Ashley sat on the couch and pointed at the TV. "Just push the buttons on the TV" Andrew scoffed "Meeeeh.... What a pain." Ashley groaned and got up from her seat. "Fine, I'll fetch some batteries for you." She said before turning to Andrew and raising her voice. "I always have to do everything around here!" Andrew rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah, woe is you." "It is!" She replied.

Ashley started looking around the house for some batteries and well, no luck. She went into her and Andrew's room and looked at the alarm clock and just took the batteries from the alarm clock. It was annoying anyways. She got the batteries and went back to Andrew. "I've got the remote right here" he said. Ashley smirked. "Nah, that's okay. I think I'll just push the buttons on the TV after all." She said that just to annoy him. Andrew groaned "..............I can see you have the batteries. Just hand them over." Ashley shook her head "Nope! I've decided I'll hold onto them! We might need them later." Andrew scoffed, leaning back against the couch. "For what exactly? Why are you being difficult about this??" Ashley got frustrated and raised her voice at him again. "I am not! I'm taking on the herculean task of operating the TV myself!" Andrew gave up on trying to get her to use the remote and and just let her use the buttons. "...Whatever makes you happy, I guess."

Ashley and Andrew were now sitting in the couch and watching TV, well, they were watching the only channel they had access to: The News! Yay! We love the news! We don't.

"Thank you for tuning in! Today we shared with you some joyous development in regards to the tainted water situation! We're happy to announce that all the apartments to which the tainted water had been delivered, have been secured! It has been three months since the first incident was discovered, and the death toll is now at a comfy 53 total. No Biggie. And the quarantine period for those whom are at risk, has been extended by another two weeks."

Andrew scoffed "Again!?"

"And to our friends in quarantine, thank you for keeping your disgusting, parasite infested bodies far, far away from me! Sorry, it's "Thank you for your continued consideration to the public's safety". That's all for today! Cheers!"

Andrew groaned and turned off the TV. "......I'm going to bed." Ashley decided to do the same.

1057 words

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