Reboot File 1

290 19 4

(;&;83'wxla)(??? POV)

Where am I? What am I doing here? Why am I here? How did I get here? Who am I? Will I get out? Is that even possible? What even is here?

"How rare."

Like that any erratic thought that this....Inky blackness brought vanished. No, not vanished it was suppressed into the back of my mind. As a white figure appeared, while impossible to make out any facial features it was tall. It's white arms had long sharp looking claws. The figure didn't have legs instead the white seemingly bleed out into the darkness.

"How did you get here, little soul? It should be impossible....unless someone purposely put you in the void between Omniverses, But who? That's a fate far, far worse then any other." The figure reached out and curled it's long claws around my body?

'It's not uncomfortable, in fact it's nice as if someone wrapped me in a warm blanket. It was nice far more so then the....darkness.'

"Haha, I'm glad you think so I would never do anything harmful to a young soul like yours for no reason. Especially after you've been here for who knows how long given how time isn't a thing here."

How did it-

"-Know? I have been here before the beginning even, well began. I have seen countless souls it's not that hard for me to know what your thoughts are, even if you don't have a physical body. But if it makes you feel better you can talk and I'll stop reading you."

Reaching out with it's other hand it taps my soul? And something snaps into place.

"Thank you." my voice was blank not holding the power nor warmth the figure's did.


I watched as it suddenly got distracted by something and turn it's head in the void. While confused I didn't say anything as it continued to stare into the void. Eventually it turned back to me.

"Sorry about this but I can't stay much longer something is going on that will need my attention in a few minutes. So as an apology I will send you somewhere safe."

"Can't you send me home?" After all even without knowing what he truly is I had a feeling something like that would be simple for them.

"....Let me answer your question with one of my own. Do you even remember who you were?"

"Of course I do my name is." what was my name? Why can't I remember? Why don't I know my own name!?

"Unfortunately, you've been exposed to the void between the Omniverse for far too long it has eroded your soul. Because of that I have no multiverse to track you."


"So while I can't give you your old life back I can at the very least give you a new one. With a bit of a disadvantage, in the form of it might be dangerous."

"G-Give me a second." I really needed one right now. To it's credit it merely stood there letting me think for a bit.

"A....Alright, I'm.....I'm fine now, please continue." It nodded.

"Your soul has while been heavily damaged by the void. It in return managed to take in a tiny bit of it. Meaning your soul has become impossibly stronger. Meaning I can't send you into a weak multiverse or it will collapse."

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